Tubes tied & Medicaid Approval.. PLease READ!!



  • @starkrayzie. It was just about an hour. That was going in and getting prepped and then them wheeling me back in my room. It took like 10 minutes after I was in my room to actually become fully aware of what was going on. I had a 2 inch incision under my bellybutton. It hurts like crazy for a couple of weeks but that's the price you pay when your man won't get fixed lol. :)
  • @momof5 thanks for the info. Gonna have to talk to my husband & doctor & try to figure it out. I'm due in 8 weeks so maybe I'll submit my paperwork just in case.
  • @starkrayzie. No problem. Like my doctor said. If I want to change my mind at the last minute then its not a problem but if I go through with it and I don't have my paperwork signed then I have to wait 6 weeks after birth and its much harder on the body cause that means I will be off work for another 6 weeks.
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