Today!!!! No sign of af.....
Today is the day af was suppose to come.....I don't know how to feel bc my periods have NEVER been normal! They are very irregular which made it very hard ttc & not knowung if I was truly ovulating.....dr gave me chlomid and I am having preg symptoms, nausea, moody, cravings.....anyone else??? Any ideas??? Suggestions....I took a test Sun, but it was a cheapy & I think to early.....
i know i had a light line and dark line which means your pg..i took another and it was darker soo i know im pg since i missed my pg
@babyjane even though the 2nd line is faint its there take another and then one tom or try to get a blood test I'm sayin u got ur bfp, keep us posted. I am feelin the same a yest still craving ketchup & I smell evertything from far away good or bad smells
hows everyone feeling today???
@ kayleesmommy I will have ti try one of those! Thanks!