@praying4our3rd i truely know how u feel this time i am showing symptoms. But am getting negs i know when i conceived if in fact i am preggo and w tha i would just now b 2 wks but by calendar in am 4 wks 5 days. This is nerve wracking the nice thing is though i started my prenatals and haven't taken any meds that would hurt baby
I am the same I've been taking my prenatals religiously I have an alarm set on my phone and even if I get a headache I just relax, close my eyes, massage my head, & take deep breaths in & out
@mommyinwaiting Congrats. i am planning on taking another tmw 2day i am having dizziness and was nausea most of the nite hoping tmw will show something
Are you tired? Any vivid dreams? I had these symptoms and normal pms symptoms, but my breasts weren't as swollen then like they usually are with pms. I'm 8 weeks today, good luck!
my period should have been here a week ago...but still hasnt happened. pt this morning was negative and im more worried bc I had a miscarriage at 6 weeks just last month...think I got pregnant again that quick?
I got a faint line this morn so I am going to take another in the morn. I have some nausea still, fatigue,MOODY/emotional, cravings.......wow this is so nerve racking!!! Good luck s-t-b-m & mommys keep posting so we can all keep in touch & help one another ,
Still no af and still no bfp took 2 more test was digtal this time and they both came back book error grrrrrrr, so when i go out 2day i am going 2 buy some more tests.
OMG I am never gonna get to go to the DR!!!!! The payroll and benefits lady screwed up getting my health insurance set up, and now I might have to wait 2 weeks to go to the DR. WTF I am so sad, angry, beside myself, and I just wanna cry and scream. This is horse shit! Now she won't return my calls! How am i supposed to go to the Dr with no insurance? I don't have enough money for that!
I am so upset right now Yest I got a slight positive.....maybe I was imagining it and then this morning I took two test and they were both negative I am beside myself w/ emotions!!! So I have a dr. appt tom for a blood test and then I have to go back again on Thurs for another blood test I don't want to go twice! Then if Im pg then I will be extactic and if it comes back neg then I will just have to keep my head high. But af still hasn't come so then I will have to take Provera to produce a period then I have to wait for the period to start and end before I can start another round of Chlomid! Dear God, Please have mercy on my soul and Please help me to conceive your beautiful miracles!!!!!!!!!!!! I have wanted to be a mommy for so long and I know that we have had a million heart to hearts and I know that you work in mysterious ways but my patience and positivity is running low Thank you! --Praying_4_twins
Me too!!!! Its like I'm on a roller coaster & I can't get off! Or someone else is writing my life in a book & they aren't writing it the way they should! Its just hard to stay positive after sooo long & we don't have any children. Everyone around us has children, pregnant w/ second or 3rd and its sooimo hard!!!!! "SCREAMING" ok well I feel better for the moment......
Hey everyone. I'm new here. I'm 28 w a 9 yr old and 7 year old. I've bn trying for baby 3 for two years. This was my second month on clomid. Wow. That stuff is hard on me. I'm 5 dpo. I wish everyone luck!
live4my2 Welcome! This a great place to get advice, share experiences, or even vent @celestee I think I am gonna just have to chill, focus on me, stress less, work on weight loss, & saving money. I go for a blood test tom & if its neg. then they are putting me on Provera (bc I haven't started af yet) then one af ends then I can take another round of chlomid :'/ too many emotions!
i am planning on taking another tmw 2day i am having dizziness and was nausea most of the nite hoping tmw will show something
Now she won't return my calls! How am i supposed to go to the Dr with no insurance? I don't have enough money for that!
@celestee I think I am gonna just have to chill, focus on me, stress less, work on weight loss, & saving money. I go for a blood test tom & if its neg. then they are putting me on Provera (bc I haven't started af yet) then one af ends then I can take another round of chlomid :'/ too many emotions!