
edited February 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 21 weeks and have not felt the baby move yet. Is that a bad sign??


  • I dident feel my lil girl till around 24 weeks and she's fine but if ur worried go doctors hun xx
  • edited February 2011
    @Georgias_mummy all they keep telling me is that ill feel her soon....
  • Sometimes u can't feel the baby untill 22-28 weeks. Don't worry u could even have a day sleeper and active at night but it doesn't wake u up cause the little ones not big enough yet. or u could have felt it and thought it was gas.
  • Your placenta may be in front of the baby instead of behind it. Its called an anterior placenta. And since there's no nerve endings in the placenta you wont feel kicks until baby is strong enough to kick hard enough that it hits the skin past it. I have it and i'm 20 weeks and still nothin.
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