plus size and feeling kicks??

I am 21w 2d. 222 pounds. I feel like I can feel flutters if I put my hand on my stomach and really focus but that's it. It kinda worries me that im never gonna be able to feel my baby or something. I want to feel big kicks without having to focus on my belly and question if it really is the baby or not. Is anyone else experiencing this? It would be nice to know im not alone


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  • Hun, don't be worried, you should really start feeling baby within 4-5 weeks and you will see baby move from the outside shortly after! :)
  • Shew ok. I guess I just need to be patient haha im so ready for the baby to just get here already though!!
  • I'm also plus sized and started feeling my little man around 23-24 week. Now I'm in my 27th wk and feel him all the time.
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  • I'm way bigger and 19 weeks and I felt my first full on kicks about a week ago, I don't feel it all the time though
  • Well my placenta is in the back so its not that.
  • Omg!!!! We have the same due date!!!!! :)
  • You'll feel stronger movement in a few weeks....I weighed 260 with my second and his movement was strong, especially the closer I got to about 30 weeks and so on from there.
  • Ok thanks ladies! I feel better now!
  • Me & you are the same! I felt baby on the inside at 13 wks. Now I'm 21 wks tomorrow & if baby kick on the front I can feel it. Lightly but I can. Its not often though cuz baby loves to kick my bladder lol.
  • I'm 36 weeks I'm also plus size I weigh 219 right now and I'm guessing everyone is different hon I started feeling the flutters at 18 weeks and then started feeling her and seeing her from the out side at 23 weeks u will feel ur bundle of joy very soon and let me tell u it is beyond amazing good Luck :)
  • I think its def were the baby is cause I weigh a bit more than u do(260:/)and I felt my baby fluttering at about 17wks and full on bladder beat downs at about 22wks.I'm 24wks now and it gets quiet painful sometimes but she's moved up. She was like lodged in my pelvis so it was really easy for me to feel her even though it was painful. She's too big to fit in there comfortabley now because I can actually feel her in my tummy area(no lung punches yet). I have no doubt I got a bit lucky n a way she was positioned just right. Be patient =) you'll be wanting a break from the kicks soon enough hehe.
  • ..I'm 18 weeks and I'm def plus sized a lil bigger then u, even tho i don't look as much as I weigh but I'm also tall, and I've been feeling flutters since early 17 weeks. I don't feel them all the time but I know that the babys in there goin nuts when i do feel it lol. Don't worry ma all our bodies are diff like the other preglys said it just depends on where the placenta is. I can't wait to feel kicks on the outside! Good luck & God bless ma ;)
  • Im plus size, I weigh about 20 more pounds than you and I'm 22wks2d. I've been feeling fluttering since about 19wks and last week I felt a kick on the outside but haven't felt anymore kicks/movement since. I've been feeling alot more fluttering this past week so I know it's just a matter of time before I start feeling constant movement on the outside. Hang in there, it's just a matter of time before you start feeling movement on the outside and when you do, you will still worry because the baby may be active one day and not as active the next. I don't think the worrying ever ends even after they are born.
  • I weigh 204 and I'm 20 weeks, just last week I felt actual movement inside, this is my 2nd pregnancy. From my son I felt kicks outside at 16 weeks I was 30lbs lighter, so I was worried this time. I asked my doctor and she said that its partly the weight and also every pregnancy is different. I feel just like u! I want her to be here with us already and I feel like time is flying by so quick! So I'm trying to be patient =) hopefully you feel the kicks soon!!!
  • I am 25 weeks and also plus size I am 5'11" and 260lbs. I started feeling flutters at about 19 weeks but I started feeling deliberate kicks and then kicks on the outside about a week ago. I was concerned that I would not feel them, but I do and my hubby has even felt it too. So just have faith and give it a few more weeks! :)
  • Well girls I figured out today during my ultrasound why i may not be feeling as much movement from the baby. He has his legs turned to where he is kicking my back and he had his head down at his feet. And he stayed in that position like the whole time haha. Everything went good though and so far he seems like a cute healthy baby boy!
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