Red bumps on face?? Not zits almost like!

edited February 2011 in Health
I break out with these little red bumps on my face! they itch sometimes but others its fine. i never wear make up and it goes away and returns. next baby appt is in a few weeks still and wondering if anyone knows if the regular acne stuff will help eventually?


  • It could be exzma. Talk to your dr. Because of the changes in hormones during pregnancy this can happen. But it could also be something else. So I would just make a quick call.
  • I'm having the same problem but I also get dry patches one of the fellow mothers on here told me to buy Cetephil and its been working..
  • Where do you get cetephil? I'm also dealing with this! My face has honestly never broken out. Maybe a few bumps after my softball game or after cheer practice, but never like this!
  • OMG! This happened to me first time yesterday afternoon! I checked all my books, and most of them say its "pregnancy mask", dark spots that appear mostly on face for no apparent reason. Some studies think its due to low folic acid, but they all said use moisturizer with sunscreen, sun exposure can make it worse.
  • That used to happen to me after vomiting that yellow stomach acid
  • Little red dots that aren't pimples but slightly look like them? It's a heat rash aka heat bumps. Something with the hormonal change, I noticed some on my legs and googled it.
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  • @mommy3 Walmart has it, cvs, walgreens at Walmart its on the bottom shelf bc its not a big brand like olay or anything
  • Thank you very much! I have an appt tomorrow, so I'll ask my doctor about it and then if she says its all normal & fine.. I'll go to walmart (:
  • So I asked my doctor about it ya know.. to be on the safe side. She pretty much said, its pregnancy acne so get over it.. but she was nicer about it.. boo!
  • I have dry skin and have never had more than 2 zits at a time in my whole life. My black heads are so small and few that they're basically unnoticeable... and then the pregnancy hormones kicked in. Ew, oily skin. Ew. I actually have to put effort into maintaining my skin or it gets thick and oily. And my pores are getting huge on my nose. I swear it looks fatter and bloated with oil.
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