ugh no time out

edited May 2011 in Parenting
I am watching pregnant with heels and she said time outs are degrading to children. What type of discipline are you planning on using with your child. If You have children What do you find is successful.


  • edited May 2011
    The best timeout technique I have found is to have the kid lay on the floor, nose to carpet, for however many minutes that match their age. I don't have other children but I have a 2 & 3 y.o. brothers. It works wonders with them. Its a punishment, imo it should be semi embarrassing. I mean what is jail if not degrading? Idk thats just the way I see it.
  • Time out is the best discipline that worked with my son.
  • Kids can very easily be over stimulated. Time outs are about giving them a time to cool off and chill out. I don't know how thats degrading. But hey, if she doesn't like it, I guess everyone can go back to using a switch! Lol!
    We have a 3 yr old and use spanking and time outs. But we rarely spank. Check out Love & Logic! Awesome parenting techniques!
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  • @rockinmomma...ugh my teacher use to make students do that (9th grade).. either that or a dot on the board they had to bit there nose against ..
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