spill your heart out

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
This is the thread where you can say what's on your mind and we can all comfort eachother .. well I'm 17 & pregnant been with my bd for two years my mom disoened me :"( I feel like I don't make him happy anymore I wish I would of waited because now I'm unhappy and need to worry about my baby :"( I can't take it


  • I'm 24 wit my seccond. Mom disowned me 2. Def feel like bd ain't feeling me no more. But I have a 5yr old and I try 2 be strong 4 her and my unborn. U def jus needa worry bout ur kid. Thatsall that matters at the end of the day boo. Take care of urself for ur baby **hugss**
  • I'm 17 too n wish I woulda waited. My bf is not mature enough for this, but man oh man do I love this baby!
  • I'm 21n I dnt evn like kids I jus finished my 3rd year of college and I wntd to wait til i graduated to hav children I also wntd to b married...
  • I'm 23 preggo with my second but I dnt feel da same about this Pregnancy as I did with my 1st I was n love with him instantly... I love my lil boy so much! It actually took me awhile to convince myself that God blessed me again with a beautiful gift n I cnt wait to meet him or her...:-) I guess it took me awhile to get use to being pregnant again cuz I wasn't ready.. but I'm just very thankful I can bare beautiful children!:-)
  • 2nd preg. I feel jipped this time. 1st preg was horrible. They say every preg is different, so I thought it can only get better. Boy was I wrong! This one is worse! Didn't know it was possible. So miserable. Family laughs at me and says i shoulda known better. Another preg friend (who felt great the whole time) told me I should be grateful (we've both had MCs) and I wana say shut your face! When youre in labor im gona tell you to stop complaining and be grateful!!

    Woo! Thanks for letting us complain!
  • Im 39 weeks with my second and feel like it will never end! I am begging this baby to just COME OUT! My first came 8 days late....can't I have a nice baby that comes early??? :(
  • Please don't judge this vent...I'm 23 I dropped out of school like a moron for a boy at 17. Married said boy at 20. He tried to kill me and made me miscarry. Left said boy. I have been trying to divorce him for the last 3 years. We own nothing, have nothing and have no children together but idont have the money for a lawyer. I've been with bd for 2 yrs. I'm completely in love with this man and want to get married to him but can't get a divorce until baby is norn n tx cause of dumb laws. Then I have to get a lawyer. I don't have a job cause I'm on bed rest and its driving me batty. I don't have a car muchless a drivers license because for some reason driving scares the hell outa me. I don't have a ged so I can't go to college and I feel stuck in a really really deep rut that I wish I would have nvr done....I just want a break! Have something just give n...preferablly my...umm dumb (wish to be x) husband.

    ...sorry so long. Its been eating away at me for awhile
  • I just had my babygirl in february I thought everything would be different this time been with bd off n on for 5 yrs im 21 I have a 2 yr old son who is my life I wss unsure who my bd was because we broke up he moved on so did I but I was already prego didnt kno n went back to this dude I felt so complete with him but I left him to be with my bd idk y but he always treated my son mean threw it in my face n we got prego again I mc then I got prego with myt daughter who I love deeply as well im a stay at home mom enjoy my job n my bd hates me says I dont do nothing that my job is easy n ive never done anything for my kids that I'm a nobody then turns around 5 minutes later n says I love u im torn n broken n I stay idk y but ive always loved him no matter what I hate myself for it n wish I could leave plz give me the strength to one day walk away sorry its so long but I feel better now wooo never thought I wood be that dumb girl I talked about
  • Definitely don't judge... I'm 24 years old my boyfriend is 19, been together 3 years, I'm 38 weeks and 3 days, but my bf is not my babys dad, we had split up and I got with someone else it was the biggest mistake of my life, me and bf got back together about a month after then I found I was preggo and freaked but I was honest and told him everything, I mean he saw other girls and I saw 1 guy so it didn't seen to bad til the baby came in, now he is the best man in the world he don't want the other guy in the babys life and I understand why. He has not been here at all not even a how r u and the baby oh forgot to mention I grew up with this guy so 21 years he had been my friend, so he left me dead on e out in the middle of the country here where I work tole my stereo and messed with a bunch of stuff in my car, he would call me befor this happened every 3 or 4 weeks or longer to ask for money or a ride, my bf was so angry. And I just felt stupid, so in the last 6 months of my pregnancy I've seen and talked to bd 3 times and all in the same day, but not I feel even more stupid cause I know my bf wants this baby to be his 100% and the bd to stay away but some stupid reason I feel I should give the bd a chance, but I can't he already has 1 year old girl and oh yeah his gf is preganent to due in july w/ girl but she is preganent by her ex and don't want anyone to know, but I'm a horriable person, plus he is a meth addict and he don't really care about his first daughter, so I don't think I should give him that chance but I don't know I hate him for everything he has done to me, but I care still for him cause of all the years I've known him. What should I do I feel like shit either way have my bf mad at me for having him in my daughters life or have him try and take me to court. I just don't know

    Sorry so long
  • Im 22. Im very excited about the baby. My bd is really sweet. I just feel like Im incredably selfish and even worse lazy. I just dont have any motivation to do anything. I used to love school and i loved to learn. I was really smart once upon a time but then I got consumed by drugs. Ive been depressed all my life, which made everything harder but drugs fucked me over good. Worse part is it was mostly pot. I did x from time to time and once for a week or two every couple of days. Then I started drinking. A lot. I had cut down to pot like once every three months... beer every few weeks and a cig or two from time to time. This was never a steady thing tho I would always go on binges, for days or weeks. The day I found out about this pregnancy I was admitting myself into the mental hospital bc I was planning on attempting suicide again. I had been drinking and got in a fight with a guy friend of my bds. I was so pissed I had like 3 cigs in a row before I headed to the hospital in uncontolable tears. That day the person I had turned into bc of my adictions and my horrible past stayed at that hospital.

    No one has forgiven me for that horrible selfish, cruel bitch I was. Everyone still walks on eggshells around me. Im not that person, I dont ever want to be but whether they mean it or not they keep reminding me of what I did and of who I was. It makes me feel so depressed. I dont know if they will ever forgive me. I thought I was the one who had a hard time forgiving others.
  • Im just starting to hate life in general. Im to stressed and feel like im carrying the worlds problems. I feel God is mad at me for my crappy life choices. Hoping he forgives and and hoping I can forgive myself for my mistakes soon
  • Im pregnant with my second baby, my first would be two and half but died at eighteen months due to cancer and I feel like I dont love this one as much because with my first I was the happiest person alive and my love was so pure for him but iv had the innocent love took away and ny eyes have been forced to see the evils of the world and im so scared now that I dont even know if I want to love this baby as much because he might die. I just wish I knew why my son had to die when all iv ever wanted to be was a mum. Thanks for letting me talk
  • Please don't judge, this one is a doozie. Almost 24 with two kids, been on again off again with their father who I married a 19 while pregnant with my daughter and got pregnant with this sweet child with a man I was seeing while we were separated. Was petrified when I found out because neither of us were doing well enough to get our own place (I was trying to find work while living with a friend and was failing) and I was worried that I was going to get kicked out because I was told right before I got my BFP that I was not to date anyone as long as my divorce wasn't final. Told the husband around 13 weeks and he cried and begged me to come back with the baby (though he mentioned briefly he would prefer without) and be a family and he would take care of us and let the baby's father be involved. So I chickened out and went back with him and now I miss my BD so much and he misses us and tries so hard to be involved, but my husband went back on his word and forbids any contact with him except through BD's sister. He makes me so miserable with his drinking and other things and I want to leave so badly but I have nowhere else to go...I feel so stuck.

    Thank you for giving me a place to summarize my ranting...this would be a whole lot longer if I was sitting up by myself right now.
  • I'm 32. We have been approved to adopt and waiting to be selected by a "birthmom" fr about 20 months now. We are so over waiting and the close calls. Every family function and get together with friends (and their children) is a reminder of what we dont have...
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