csection moms who are preggers lol. quick question

My baby is low and causing a ton I mean horrible pain. I feel like I had my csection n I've been punched in the area It's tht bad. Past three days It's like this my lil one is beating me up so bad. Did anyone experience this? Plus my pelvis still isn't right from labor with my daughter and my hips r shifting this time as before they couldnt cause baby.


  • I had a csection march of 2010 and am now 20 weeks, baby is kicking low n it gets crazy sore!
  • Mine stays in the tiny places and loves beating my bladder m pelvis up big time. Makes me have cramping n contractons at 21 weeks
  • I've had 2 csections 3 yrs apart and 3 yrs since the last. My lil bugger kicks low as well I do get some upper AB kicks/jabs but less commonly. It can be uncomfortable sometimes but not too bad. But he definitely likes tap dancing on my bladder
  • My first was a belly girl she had no room cause hips never shifted so she loved my belly. This one is by scar tissue n in spot where I bruised pelvis. I wish I got higher kicks. This one is strong
  • I had a cs in Feb 2010 and I'm 18 weeks pregnant now. I feel a lot of stretching and pulling a long my incision line, but not pain...yet. I know its only going to get worse as the baby grows.
  • OMG yes it causes pain. I had one 5/08 and now I am 38 weeks. I can feel every bit of stretching inside me, especially because this baby is already over 7 pounds and my last was a 5 pnds 13 ounces.
  • Yes I get pain at my scar now...mainly when my belly stretches or he kicks me.
  • So feelin like we did 1'000 sit ups and a baby jumping on sore belly is normal lol great I have high pain tolerance but this hurts
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