it must be a girl!

edited May 2011 in Pregnant
With my 2 and 3 year old boys I was very calm And relaxed my whole pregnancy! With my 10 year old I was pissed off at the world! I'm 13 weeks and feel like I could chop everyone's head off! I'm so frustrated for no reason!


  • i hear that from a few different people lol... i fnd out next week what im having (we are hoping for a boy) and i have been laid back and pretty calm thoughout so far...
  • When I was pregnant with my 4 yr old daughter my hubby told me it had be a girl cuz one female co
  • one female couldn't be that bitchy.
  • @jbandno3 lol thats hilarious!!!
  • Ohh man its the dame for me w my son I was wayyyy more relaxed and easy going this time I feel like such a bia all the time its horrible way to much estrogen running thru this body!!
  • OMG is that what it is? I'm having a girl and I get so irritable and started cussing which I never really did before. Hmmmm
  • With my son I was more laid back, and,this time its a girl again and I'm somewhere in between, more cranky and hormonal than with my son, but less than with my first girl.
  • You know what i get annoyed easy and im having a girl...w/ my son i wasnt always annoyed and pissed over almost everything!
  • I was a hormonal train wreck during my first trimester and im definitely having a girl. Ive been bitchy and mean the whole time too. Maybe it really is a girl thing ;)
  • @everyone I hope it is a girl but I hope my family Is ready for thhe mood swings lol
  • I've heard 2 females can't share a 1 body and be happy!
  • OMG I'm having a girl in I'm always Moody n easly pissed off n my best friend is with a boy n she's never mad bcus at bd..
  • @billysgirly let us know! I want to see how many people are Moody with girls and chill with boys ..I wonder if the myth is true lol
  • @jbandno3 that's what I've heard..I've been so snappy with my husband! He is just pissing me off! He and I have been together for 5 years and had our first fight the other day over Where he put a toy away! How dumb! I totally over reacted
  • I'm having a girl and I cry all the its opposite for me.
  • Im having a girl and im soo much meaner!! Lol its sad really!
  • I'm having a girl, and have been much more short tempered, and irritable! And now her and I are always fighting over where she should be positioned inside of me. Smh. These Damn girls...
  • Lol @natashalynn I want another girl so bad! I need some girl vibes my way ;-)
  • I am going to show my wife this one because she is bitch central. I booked her a 16 week 3d ultrasound cos she doesnt want to wait till 19 weeks to see sprinkle again. Do I get a thanx no I get you could have done the bloody washing lol.
  • @dadof2n1togo That is just too funny!!!! I have been really snappy with my husband too. I don't mean to be..but it just happens!
  • @Smgibbs yeah I was laughing at her to which didnt help the matter lol. I just have the same gut feeling I did with our daughter.
    She is blaming work but I know really she is just a hormonal bitch lol
  • I have 2 boys. I can't remember with them how my moods were. I will have to ask my husband. Lol. I'm not a good judge on weather my moods have changed cuz they do it all the time anyways.
  • @smgibbs not true I was calm with my first boy and having another boy and I am a complete b*t*h this time around lol
  • Does being impaitent count? I am only 9 weeks and want to be close to done.
  • I was happy n calm at all times with first now I'm in kill mode! Lol both girls
  • I'm calm and relaxed =A BOY
  • @dadof2n1togo yeah my husband laughs at me sometimes to..but he Has also gotten mad then remembers it my hormones and lets it go lol! But When he laughs it makes me laugh and tell him not to make fun of me!
    @blessed1508 lmao! That's too funny! We will she if my prediction of a girl is true in Dec when I have it. We Are not going to find out early.
    @angel26 I'm right there with ya.. I'm 13 weeks and am done! I want the big day to hurry up!
  • im having a girl and I feel like a bear whos hibernation got interrupted and wants to rip everyones head off :) its crazy lol Im mad at the world haha:) I broke a hard plastic cup just by squeezing it lmao! Since then everytime I get a cup my dad say oh watch out haha!
  • @fiirstTiimeMommy2b lol! That is too funny! The other day I kicked my sons training potty out of the bathroom because my hair was giving me a hard time! I haven't thrown a fit like that in 10 years lol thank God the potty was empty! Hahaha
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