can't nurse because my little boy is allergic to milk :-(

edited May 2011 in Breastfeeding
So we found out that Parker is allergic to milk so they have put him on Soy formula. :-( i really wanted to breastfeed him but they said that's not possible with him having the allergy.


  • Just curious, did they tell u he was allergic to your milk or to milk products??? If its milk products you could cut out all dairy and see if that helps him.
  • I'm sorry :(
  • Wow! Sorry to hear that.
  • @hurstk28 I couldn't drink my moms breast milk when I was born and it was hard on her to, and I went through it with my 2nd son and couldn't nurse him and it was very hard on me I just made sure to feed him his feedings as much as possibly. I am sorry to hear that you are going through this, it is not easy but your baby will always know how much you love him.
  • @jbandno3: they said milk products. I may cut out all milk products and see if i can still nurse him. I love Chocolate and Vanilla Soy milk. :-)~
  • I have a few friends that have had to change their diet to make it possible to nurse. I say if u want to nurse u should try cutting all dairy and see if it helps him. How did they decide he had an allergy???
  • He was throwing up everything he ate, had stuffy nose, and was constipated. They tried him on soy formula and he kept it down and his bowel movements became regular.
  • Did your doc say how he became allergic to milk? Or it just something that happens randomly to some babies?
  • The same things happen to me and I chose to stop breast feeding. My daughter spent two nights in the hospital after throwing up a yellow substance at 6 wks old. They ran several tests and took some xrays before determining that she was having an allergic reaction to dairy products. I had to put her on a special, more expensive formula and then she was fine. I could have continued to breast feed if I gave up all dairy products but I chose not to. I was just thankful that I got to breast feed for the first month and a half.
  • @RizzyChicky: it happens to some babies automatically. My oldest son was put on soy formula in the hospital when he was born. He was allergic to cows milk and peanuts.
  • I have decided to keep nursing. Had to give up all milk products. But i love soy milk.
  • My friends kids all had a sensitivity to dairy. She cut out all dairy products from her diet about a month before delivering and this baby has had no problems. With her other kids she had to switch to soy and start checking labels on everything--there is dairy in so many things you wouldn't even expect. If you are up for a challenge, breast feeding is DEFINITELY still possible; it will just require a lot of work and dedication on your part. Good luck! :D
  • I couldn't nurse my daughter and had to put her on soy. I felt so bad about it at the time cuz I wasn't able to give her what was best for her. Now shes 1 1/2 and smarter than me lol. She still can't tolerate milk.
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