preggie hormone meltdown

edited June 2011 in Second Trimester
Husband tried to sit where I wanted to/always sit. Got so mad I yelled at him (used the F bomb twice) and stormed into my room. My poor 9 yr old came down to my room to make sure I'm ok. Part of me feels bad for overeacting but part of me thinks he should know better and be happy to give me the comfy spot. Instead he had a fit and just stood up in middle of the room. Errr, I am already so emotional by nature but when I'm pregnant its soooooo much worse.


  • Wow lol thats almost as bad as me bawling my eyes out once because my mom drank the last of the milk. Funny thing is I didn't even want any but I felt she was being horribly selfish! Lol gotta love hormones!
  • @rockinmomma well thankfully I'm not the only one having hormone freak outs! Sadly though my kiddo is stressin that we're going to get a divorce. We hardly ever fight in front of them so hes confused. So now I feel horrible. Guess I will have to be humble and say sorry.
  • Oh don't feel bad at all.. I cried in the car the other day because my husband wouldn't stop picking and poking at me. These darn hormones are terrible.
  • :) thanks 1stWoodsBaby very glad I'm not alone. I just hate when i over react.
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