I know we are suppose to drink water but ever time i do i throw up no matter how much i throw up any suggestions? I hate water already an this aint helping.
This may sound harsh.... GET OVER IT. You really Need water...dry birth or preterm labor is not nice. I worked ob/gyn forever (it seemed...LOL) the best way to explain the importance of water is.... take a sandwich baggy put 1 bean and some water in it...the bean moving freely is the health of your baby when adequately hydrated. Then start pouring some of the water out and watch how the bean begins to struggle and lose movement. I think if you put it in your head that's its a matter of life and death foe your baby it will help, I think the vomiting reflex is being causes by your dislike of water. Get it really cold like almost ice like then drink it, if you must drink it quickly until you get past your lack of desire for it. It will get easier also eat a piece of bread or a few crackers. The breading will coat the stomach and help absorb some of the water. I went through the same thing my 1st pregnancy a lil my second and like a week with this one. Good luck sweety! It gets easier if you just get past Ruhr now. I had to remove all other drinks from my house for the first trimester...maybe try that. >:D<
I just bought one of those reusable plastic cups that comes with a lid and a straw, I know it sounds weird but I've been drinking so much more water since I got it. You should give it a try.
I did the same thing @Audra first I got a cup with straw then I did just a cup now I'm onto bottled why I dunno but it makes me wanna drink water plus the more I drink the more babe moves
@jewlieuh I'm happy! We use to show our pregglies this example in the office all the time and it made worlds of a difference. It is probably the best visual example that can be represented.
Good ladies with the water intake and all the babies!!!
Good ladies with the water intake and all the babies!!!