does anyone have a Doula?or have in fo of pros/cons

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I searched for the topic but didnt find what i was looking for..just wondering if any of you ladies have a doula? Im almost 34wks but am starting to look into a doula bc i want a natural birth and someone besided hubby to be there that knows what i want bc i dont have a specific doctor...The hospital i go to i see multiple docs and theres no telling who will deliver it could possibly be someone ihavent ever even met i want somei guess..intimacy? that the word im looking for? LoL


  • I've don't know anything personally but I've heard nothing but good things. Im too private of a person to have a stranger that intuned to me lol. Im not even excited about having my mom there but I dont want to be completely alone. I guess all you can do is research the ones in your area and im sure they'd be open to interviews.
  • I know i have always heard good things..except from my doctors of course..they say they get in the way blah blah of course they do!This is the birth of my child not just some everyday delivery they do where they want it to be over as quick as it starts.I want it to be natural and when the doctors dont think its progressing fast enough they always wana speed it up unnaturally :( i am also i private person and im not sure how comfortable i am with some1 being all into me down there..i dont even like my hubby being tuned into me down there lol
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