Baby shower for not 1st baby

edited June 2011 in Baby showers
So what's the current rule for multiple children? I used to hear you only got one baby shower, for your first. I've heard of several ppl that had showers for their 2nd or 3rd child. Is it common? This is my 2nd and im wondering what to expect.


  • With my first i didn't have a baby shower. i didn't have any family or friends near me at the time. But this time around I am going to have my baby shower.
  • I know a lot of people who do baby sprinkles. A smaller version of a baby shower. And they normally register flute the little things like diapers and wipes etc
  • If not one jumps at wanting to give you one then do it yourself.
  • It depends more on the attitude of your family and friends. My family is pretty old fashioned, so I don't think I'm having one this time. But I threw a second shower for a "friend" a few years ago. So it just depends.
  • I am pregnant with my 4th and have been given a shower with all of my kids. I will be having my 4th shower next month. In my family you get 1 for every baby
  • Well I had a second one bcuz I have a boy n girl
  • I personally think it has to do with wether they are the same sex, how far is in between them etc.. I had one with my first but not with my second. but they were both boys. This time around my family is planning a shower.. but this is a girl. and the first and only girl in the family :) all there is, is boys on both my hubbys side and mine... But hey if people are willing to give you a shower... Id gracefully except :)
  • I think all bbys deserve a shower. Especially if you plan on having something like a memory book so you will have some pictures & such to throw in there.
  • Thanks for the input! We have a 3 yr old boy and hoping for a girl. We have all the big stuff except for a crib. All we need is diapers, wipes, and clothes. If its a boy we only need diapers and wipes. I think it would be neat to have a party anyway.
  • I had my shower yesterday for my third child, and had one for my first 2 as well. My family celebrates every new baby in that manner. We love to get together and eat anyway. :)
  • this is my first child but i will have one with my next!! there are always new things coming out and new safty crap coming out and recalls and blah blah! lol plus i want to plan my next babys baby shower cause i didnt have a say so on anything and it pissed me off!! (in a very low voice) um i like having control.
  • There is no rule.. DO IT :)
  • I had a babyshower for my first, one for my now 2 year old, and one for my baby boy i just had.
  • I was given a shower with each pregnancy. I have 3 boys, ages 13, 11, & 5 and now due July 16 with my first baby girl! My first two boys are 18 mos apart and my family & friends still threw a shower for each. I agree that each baby should get one! Usually in baby books theres a part for 'baby shower'. What are you supposed to say... 'oh, sorry, nobody thought you were deserving of a shower.' Awwee, sad! I say GO FOR IT! Give your baby a shower!! :X
  • I had a shower for my last 3. This 1 I said I dont want a formal shower. I want welcome baby bbq open house where ppl come between 1 and 4
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