what are your views on second hand, hammy downs and used clothing and baby items?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Just wondering because my husband is totally against ...and I'm not I can use all the help I can get...and babies grow so fast...what are ur opinons on the used items?


  • I think it is great! It will save a fortune over time. Half the clothes my friends get for baby showers don't get used so they sell to thrift stores and get a good chunk of change for it.
  • I like it but if the items aren't too worn out.
  • Hand me downs are a good thing in my book!!
  • Brang it on! I will take any hand me downs and mostly only shop at second hand stores, crib and car seat have to be new though
  • Wash them and they're great! Especially clothes, babies go through them so fast that it never hurts to have a bunch. I got a swing from a consignment store, its clean and works like a charm and was half the price of a brand new one. The only difference as far as im concerned is I didn't get the box lol :D I mean there are definitely a lot of things that need to be purchased new but as long as your smart about it and really check out everything then I see no harm in getting second hand items.
  • I love it.....got about 100 pcs of clothing off ebay for under $40. A lot was new & some used but nothing bad at all or worn out.
  • The coolest thing about hand me downs are sometimes you get things you would never buy but it ends up being really cute.
  • As long as its not a car seat I think its great. That's actually the theme of my baby shower
  • its good of its in good condition. i would take what u can get.. for sure.. i do.. especiallwen it comes to sleepers.. and clothes in the first few months .. lol.. buy the cute outfits for going out and events.. my mansaid the same thing so i said ok well y should we go out and spend 100$ of $s on things that may only get worn a few times.. or get stained from spit up.. just do it any way
  • My friend had a little girl and she is offering me all her things and I want so badly but to take it..but my hubby wants to see the receipt to everything...ugh..I'd wish he understood
  • In my family we reuse everything baby..my daughters stuff (bassinet, carseat,and baby bed, everything unisex) went to my niece and now it is coming back to me for my son. Or kids are close in age so it worked out great.
  • i love it!! i used to be against it but since getting married and being tight on money i had to get over it! and it was the best thing ever!! almost all my baby clothes are second had! the crib i got from a friend was only 2 years old and i check to see if it has a recall and it didnt! but i got the travel system new! car seat need to be new!
  • Why is hubby so not into it? Are you guys that well off? LOL tell him it was a gift so you didn't get receipt
  • Saves so much money! I accept everything but also go through everything and stuff that's worn out, out of date, or stained, I will give to good will who aren't picky about it.
  • No! We are not living the fab life...he just has an issue becuz he wants to feel as if he can provide for his family...I guess its a pride thing...
  • I was thinking about posting on this same topic! Thanks for doing it for me. Lol. I have a friend due next month and insists on EVERYTHING new. Like her baby is too good or something. We get almost everything second hand. I just want to scream stop being vain and wasting all that money!!!
  • edited June 2011
    Pretty much 75% my new baby's clothes are hand me downs. The baby swing we have is my SILs. Im all for them. Babies outgrow clothes too fast and spit up a lot or will sometimes wet themselves so why spend money on new clothes when you can get nice used clothes for half the price or free from friends and family.

    My cousin was the same way and wanted all new, name brand clothes. So now I have her puma, addias, banana republic, and other barely used (and some with tags! )Baby clothes because her daughter outgrew them
  • I think they are awesome, 98% of my babys clothes are hand me downs. Most of the time an outfit is only worn once. But even with big things, as long as they are in good condition its awesome
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  • With my 1st, I never wanted handmedowns. But now that I'm on my third, I livge for them. Like I go garage saling and get a sleeper, in brand new condition for .50 cents, like really? I can't pass that up! I get handme downs from anyone who will give em to me! Lol.
  • My husband also hates hand me downs, I dont know why, I think they're great. My mom wants to give us a $300 baby swing and he refuses, it's barely been used! He is going to drive me insane before this is over
  • Most of the baby things I have, I bought used on craigslist, I saved my self hundreds of dollars by going on craigslist. Since I bought everything my self and I didn't have a baby shower, I'm thankful I used craigslist :)
  • I love it! I got soooo much stuff from Freecycle.org and consignment sales. As long as it can be washed and/or sanitized, who cares? I'm against used carseats, though. I think those should be purchased new bc you don't know if it was involved in an accident, even if the expiration date is still good.
  • Im 100% for it.
  • edited June 2011
    wow, just looked on ebay.. AMAZING!
    I just typed in newborn clothes, I mostly see for girls.
  • I, love it. You should do it. Most of dri's clothes and toys are garage sale stuff. I found really cool stuff.
  • Ha at least ur man wants to provide for the baby! I don't have one thing. My husband spent $2500 on a dirtbike instead of baby things. Im starting to hate him more everyday
  • Well, I guess I'm the only one who would prefer to pass on hand me downs. I don't imo'k ppl who use them & I've given many of my daughter's things to my friend, but I've always been really weird about wearing clothes that someone else has worn. I thin I'm kind of a germophobic so ill pass.

  • That's, I don't blame ppl who use them.
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