Elective C-Sections??
Okay, Ladies, today is my first day of my 3rd trimester and I'm absolutely determined to get my birth-plan underway. Here's the thought for today...
My doctor is completely "knife-happy"; he does c-sections ALL the time. Several of my friends have gone to him in the past and out of 5 friends, 4 had c-sections. At my last appointment, it was brought to my attention that I could schedule an "elective" c-section if I wanted to. To me, it sounded like a hint...almost like, either way I go, I'm going to end up having a c-section, so I might as well schedule it now. I'm not totally against c-sections like some women are, I just want my little boy to get here safely. So, my thought for the day is:
Should I go ahead and schedule an elective c-section, since I'm pretty sure he's going to do one anyway?
I know that (to an extent) it's my choice whether or not I deliver via c-section, but even if I say I don't want one unless it's medically necessary, how do I know he's not going to claim that it is, just so he gets his way??
My doctor is completely "knife-happy"; he does c-sections ALL the time. Several of my friends have gone to him in the past and out of 5 friends, 4 had c-sections. At my last appointment, it was brought to my attention that I could schedule an "elective" c-section if I wanted to. To me, it sounded like a hint...almost like, either way I go, I'm going to end up having a c-section, so I might as well schedule it now. I'm not totally against c-sections like some women are, I just want my little boy to get here safely. So, my thought for the day is:
Should I go ahead and schedule an elective c-section, since I'm pretty sure he's going to do one anyway?
I know that (to an extent) it's my choice whether or not I deliver via c-section, but even if I say I don't want one unless it's medically necessary, how do I know he's not going to claim that it is, just so he gets his way??
@ta2edblondie I agree...sometimes, I'm not sure if he' really considering what's best for my baby and I; I've changed doctors 3 times during the duration of my pregnancy for different reasons and now, because I'm in my third trimester, most doctors won't take me as a new patient.
Thanks to everyone who has shared their point of view. I think it's time for this Momma to jump on the research and have a long, LONG discussion with her doctor. If there is no MEDICAL reason for a c-section and he still wants to do one, I'm sure there are actions that I can take to get MY way!!!
**** Why would you need to schedule induction? **** This is a new one on me....
I'm researching all kinds of different situations and things, based on what I know about my pregnancy and getting possible reasons for a c-section/induction. I do have a hip injury (from a car accident) that may result in some issues with getting the baby through the birth canal, but in an situation like that, I know that there are some different methods that they can try BEFORE I choose to follow through with a c-section. I want a vaginal delivery with a walking epidural...it's that simple. I know that Baby may have other plans, but my delivery should be on his terms, not on my doctor's. In my opinion, I go in with a general idea of what I want to happen, but Baby calls the shots, not me...
I really appreciate the information that everyone is sharing...and any more will be equally appreciated...I don't want to go into this completely blind; I'm doing research, but I want that "Real Women" feedback, as well!!
I, too, am pretty sure that tearing will be a part of delivery for me, and it scares me to death; the doctor has me doing kegel exercise and all of that fun stuff to help prevent it, but it's not going to happen. I'm thinking about opting to have an episiotomy to prevent tearing; not that it will help minimize my pain after delivery, but I figure it will make recovery a little easier. After reading your thoughts on the matter, however, I think that elective c-sections are a nice option to have. I think I'm going to have to do some more research on the situation...that way I can make a better decision, based on the needs of the baby and I, both! I really appreciate you shedding a different light on the idea!! Thanks (:
I was also looking at my insurance coverage and "Elective C-Sections" aren't as easy to get covered; they will cover c-sections in emergency situations, but I'm not sure how well they would take to "oh, I was just tired of being pregnant"...***sigh***
If I choose to have an elective c-section, I suppose I could pay that portion of my hospital bill on my own, though! I'm researching a little further to get risks vs. benefits, that way I can make a decision ahead of time and know exactly what I'm doing.
Hope all goes well with your c-section! Make sure to update us on Baby(: