any august babys ??



  • Awh me too xtina2k10
  • I'm due august 7 hoping for a girl we have 2 boys and this will be our last. We find out on the 18 what were having. Not even a week now and I can't wait
  • I am due 8/17 with our first baby. I have two friends that are due August too. Too crazy!
  • August 7....but he will be here around mid to the end of July...I have a cerclage and it will be removed around July 7 I'm expecting my little man anytime between 7/7 and 7/ Dr is going to induce me at 38 weeks cause she's expecting him to be a big baby
  • August 3rd as of now. I have placenta previa which they say I could be sheduled for a c section mid july! I'm have a lil boyy named ayden michael. Found out on march 2! I was 18 weeks and 1 day at that time! I'm 19 weeks and 4 days today :) good luck and congrats girls<3
  • Hey I'm 16w6d I'm due Aug.22 this is my first baby and its a little boy...I jus found out the tenth but I wana make sure so I switched doctors
  • I am due Aug 12 with baby number 4
  • Im 16 weeks 1day ihad two ultrasounds already my n#xt doctor app is march 21 ill b 17weeks 1day ihope they can tell tje esx of my bby
  • I'm 15 weeks 5 days due August 31
  • 20 weeks, due 4th august. Find out sex on 21st march :)
  • 20 weeks, due 4th august. Find out sex on 21st march :)
  • edited March 2011
    Im 17 weeks & im due august 28th... Hoping for a boy... /:-)
  • Doc appt 2morrow
  • I'm 19 wk due Aug 15 I jab an ultrasound done last mth I'm having a boy yay! Since I have my gurl already
  • @mummynumber3 we r due on the same day Aug 14 I find out 2morrow hopefully a boy I already have a 4 yr old girl
  • @excited_mom2b I'm due Aug 4th as well. I'm having a girl.
  • @tierrajackson19 aww cool :) I have 2 boys already and I'm having a girl.. I hope you get your boy
  • I'm 21 weeks today had a ultrasound last week but the baby wasn't trying to cooperate lol... hopefully next appointment they can tell me because I want to know!! O and this is my second bby. Hoping for a boy cuz I have a lol Diva already haha :))
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