i just felt my baby move for the first time!!

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
At first I was like omg what's this..trying to make sure I wasn't imagining things lol n it wasn't gas.. but it was definitely a flutter I never felt that before n I tell u I felt a lot of gas this pregnancy lol sorry tmi probably ...its definitely a special moment we mother's get to experience ;)


  • yay.. baby maken there present known
  • Ain't it the best? Wait til u start feelin kicks, punches, flips & everything! How far along are u?
  • I'm 19+4 and jus felt mine 2 days ago so exciting yayy! Congrats
  • I'm still tryna figure out if its gas or flutters I'm 15 weeks lol congratulations it is a very special moment
  • Blueberry better get with the program! Grrrrrrrrr! X(
  • That is an awesome feeling. I am 22.5wks and they are so strong now. I think she is trying to kick me, but the poor lil thing had alot of pre baby belly roll to kick through. I started feeling flutters, like butterflies, at about 17wks. Now it is more like popcorn popping. She is definatly getting stronger. The dr did say that because of my size it might take a lil longer, but I an getting ansy hehe. She is sure a wiggly lil thing though and that makes me happy.
  • @stillsurprised I know I can't wait to feel the kicks I think I'd laugh lol
  • I am 18 today and I feel nothing :'(:'( or maybe I just don't really know what to feel for.
  • @mommylovesy0u I'm 18+5 and my slacker Blueberry hasn't done squat. I think I felt flutters once but that's it. Ugh!
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  • @mommylovesy0u maybe if u eat something good idk for lunch I had a Turkey wrap n some dorritos idk if that had something to do with it but I'm sure you will feel ur lil one when u do u will know
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