How to Calmly Respond to Stupidity??

Quick question--- I uploaded new belly pictures on my facebook today & had someone comment them, almost immediately with, "Sh!t!!! You're HUGE! What, are you having twins or something??"
I'm honestly not sure how to respond to this question...It kinda struck me as odd that someone would be that disrespectful, especially someone that I know, really well. I am a little on the big side, but I'm housing a child, for crying out loud...


  • Well! How RUDE! Just say "Nope, there's only one, and my doctor says my size is perfect!"
  • I would probably just delete the comment.
  • Politely invite them over to your house and as soon as they get to the door PUNCH THEM IN THE THROAT!
  • I would delete the comment. Then write your own comment tagging the rude person telling them their comment was deleted due to rudeness.
  • It amazes me that people still say sh!t like that! Isn't it a known fact that no pregnant woman wants to here she's huge or that it looks like she's having twins?!? People are just plain rude [-(
  • edited June 2011
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  • @blueberrysmom haha! I was upset enough that I probably could have done it!

    @rockinmomma I know. First of all, it amazes me that a FRIEND would have the nerve to say something like that...a FEMALE friend, with children. The last thing I want to hear is that I'm "huge"...I look in the mirror every day, I think I know what I look like. People simply have NO respect.

    @lil_buggie_3 Haha!! I'm sure people would love all of the nasty details of pregnancy!!
    Especially the ones who think it's all glorious... (:
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  • I had the SAME thing happen! I AM carrying twins and, though I feel enormous, I'm not big for carrying two. My best friend growing up posted "wow obviously those babies don't care if They quadruple your size. Cute picture, though....." I cried. My husband got to her before I did, though, and nicely but adamantly put her in her place. It hurt my feelings, but I knew she was wrong. Do NOT let this person get to You, and either delete the comment or think of something clever to put them in their place!..... or totally go with blueberrysmom and throat punch a rude hoe!
  • @lil_buggie_3 I have my 15 year old little sister who seems to think that it's totally cool to have a baby while you're in school. I'm not sure where that concept comes from...I'm not saying that it's impossible to be a mother and a good student; I'm taking college courses and am pregnant...I'm just saying that it makes things very, very difficult to be THAT young and think that "he's going to love you forever" and then end up with a child and no help...Thanks to my pregnancy, she's now absolutely terrified to get close to a guy, for fear of things going too far... (: My job is done where she's concerned!

    @MrsStanley_x2 See, I just don't understand why it's necessary for people to even open their mouth if they have something smart/rude to say. I was in Wal-Mart one night and a high school little boy made a comment that I was huge and pregnant women are disgusting/fat. I try to let stupid stuff like that go in one ear and out the other but this one just hit me the wrong way; I guess because I'm a little "moody" today, anyway. I happen to think that my baby bump is quite cute(: but it's the simple fact that it's completely disrespectful. I was raised to treat others the way I want them to treat I definitely don't treat them like dog crap on the bottom of my shoe!!
  • I get asked all the time if its twins! It's not! I give them the 'do u want my foot in your arse' look an walk away! Or throw things like I did in a shop in turkey while we were away!! My fiance said to tell them I'm not pregnant an burst into tears!!
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  • I completely agree! And you are much nicer than me... that little punk would have thought huge when I ran him over with my car after stalking him in the parking lot... uh hem. Lol
  • @HomeBirthAdvocate I couldn't agree's what I did in response to the Facebook comment:
    First, I kindly deleted their comment and customized my settings so they are not allowed to comment on any of the pictures in that album. I then, like @ashley_smashley suggested, I tagged them in the picture and left a comment:

    @Jackie Your comment was removed because I felt that it was not only rude, but it was VERY disrespectful; you will no longer be able to make comments on any of the pictures regarding my pregnancy. In response to your comment, no, I am not having twins. I am carrying one child, a boy, along with my growing uterus (2lb), amniotic fluid, including his urine, the placenta, and anything extra that my body needs in order to protect him. My doctor says that my size is perfect and that everything is on track. Please do not assume that you KNOW or can estimate what I should weigh or how large I should be; every pregnancy is different.

    @MrsStanley_x2 I try to be as nice as I can be but sometimes, my limit is reached. I figure he's not even worth my time or effort...I don't lay down beside him on a nightly basis and he's not the father of my child, so why do I give 2 flyin' sh!ts what he thinks???
  • That was a perfect response to her rudeness! Good for you! Keep us updated as to what she has to say!
  • When you figure out how to handle stupidity, please fill me in. I agree with blueberrysmom...punch!!
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  • Thanks Ladies!
    I just received an inbox message from here stating that I should invest in a better sense of humor and get my hormones under control, that it was only a joke.
    I'm sorry, but I don't see how calling someone a cow (in nicer terms) is a's hurtful and it's....uh, DISRESPECTFUL!!!!!!!! Maybe I was just raised different...I don't know.
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  • Get em back with a smart ass comment there's no way to calmly respond to stupidity...was it a Guy who said it?
  • Wow the nerve of some people. How would they feel if someone called them a cow? What an ass!...looks like @blueberrysmom was right...the only way to settle this is with a throat punch!
  • ...I've simply let her know that the comment was rude and disrespectful. I WON'T stoop to her level and give her a reaction. My hormones have nothing to do with the fact; neither does my personality.

    @blessed29 No, unfortunately, it wasn't a guy. It was a female friend, who I have known for years. She has 4 children so you would think that she would be a little more respectful, knowing how touchy the subject can be. Oh well!!
  • Go to my discussions hun and go to the one titled letter to non-pregnant people then post it in your notes. :) that's what I did when someone said that to me, it got people to shut up really quick! :D
  • Will you bump that thread @mommyoftwoprincesses
  • I LOVE that thread @mommyof2princesses

    @monkeysmommy2011 next time if you decide not to go the mature route ;) you can always say the weight wont still be here after baby comes out which is more than I can say about your ugliness which seems to be deep down ..then hit 'em with a throat punch
  • Ya'll are great(:
    @mommyof2princesses I will DEFINITELY be using that in my notes(:
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