I think it would depend on the situation, if you reeally needed it because of complicattions and such then so be it, otherwise walking is good. @mandac10 and not everyone has people that can go to the store for them. I mean some people need to get stuff done, specially if you are all alone with no family and no bd cuz he is a loser.. just sayin
Speaking of parking and pardon me if this angers someone... I went to the commissary a few weeks ago (military grocery store) and they have a few expectant mothers spots. Seeing as how I am still in my first trimester, there is no way I would take that spot, but we did manage to get a spot rather close to the store. On our way to the door, I see a lady whip into the spot, get out, and what do you know...not pregnant. She pulled an 8 month old out of the car and walked inside looking like a freakin hooch. As we shopped, I saw at least 8 pregnant women, we are talking last trimester and ready to pop pregnant women. I became more irritated at the fact that these poor women had to walk through a crowded parking lot when there could have been a spot right up front had that dumb girl not taken it. By the time we get to the check out, I head outside and write her a note. Simply said..."Judging by the age of your child and the size of your frame, I highly doubt you are pregnant. Please don't park in a spot that should be saved for someone who actually needs it." I do understand that hauling kids around can be a pain, but it's common sense here and she clearly felt that she was above the other wives (common military issue). I could have easily called the military police and had them come deal with it. Them her hubby could have explained to whomever he had to report to why his wife was illegally parked in an expectant mother spot. Ugh...I sometimes severely dislike other dependents. Hubby's rank is not your rank and other wives don't owe you crap, you're just as committed to the military lifestyle as the rest of us so freaking have some decency towards others. *Pardon the rant. lol*
I just gotta point out the fact that I have seen many many people use the handicap parking spots that jump out of their cars sprinting to the door... I'm like wtf why do you need handicap parking than? Its all a matter of who. Is gonna do the right thing when given the privlege do I need it or does someone else need it more. Yes it be nice to have but it any situation there are always those people that take advantage...
I think if you are high risk you should be able too get one other wise its judt easier to have one but to many people have kids to make special parking for parents (well at least where I live) and to many lazy teens would take all the spots
@mandac10 and not everyone has people that can go to the store for them. I mean some people need to get stuff done, specially if you are all alone with no family and no bd cuz he is a loser.. just sayin
I went to the commissary a few weeks ago (military grocery store) and they have a few expectant mothers spots. Seeing as how I am still in my first trimester, there is no way I would take that spot, but we did manage to get a spot rather close to the store. On our way to the door, I see a lady whip into the spot, get out, and what do you know...not pregnant. She pulled an 8 month old out of the car and walked inside looking like a freakin hooch. As we shopped, I saw at least 8 pregnant women, we are talking last trimester and ready to pop pregnant women. I became more irritated at the fact that these poor women had to walk through a crowded parking lot when there could have been a spot right up front had that dumb girl not taken it. By the time we get to the check out, I head outside and write her a note. Simply said..."Judging by the age of your child and the size of your frame, I highly doubt you are pregnant. Please don't park in a spot that should be saved for someone who actually needs it." I do understand that hauling kids around can be a pain, but it's common sense here and she clearly felt that she was above the other wives (common military issue). I could have easily called the military police and had them come deal with it. Them her hubby could have explained to whomever he had to report to why his wife was illegally parked in an expectant mother spot. Ugh...I sometimes severely dislike other dependents. Hubby's rank is not your rank and other wives don't owe you crap, you're just as committed to the military lifestyle as the rest of us so freaking have some decency towards others. *Pardon the rant. lol*