being a parent

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
Its sooooo SCAREY 2 me the thought that im gonna b a parent it keeps hitting me more and more I have all these mixed emotions I hate it, and the doctor said she will b coming early so im even more nervous idk what 2 do or think am I ready, will I b a good mom am I worrying 2 much any advice


  • Love, nourish, n care for ur child n u will b a great mom! Once u hold ur baby in ur arms all those doubts n worries will b out the window :)
  • Thanks for the advice :)
  • edited June 2011
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  • No one will ever be prepared for their first child lol its just kinda weird how the motherly instinct kicks in once u become'll b fine! just like pregnacy can be scary to some and they got through it bc ur body knows what to do....kinda like that ur instinct will b there
  • I will b 37 weeks 2 morrow the doctor said my baby girl will b coming early so im just worried bout the labor part mostly
  • If being a parent were easy, it wouldn't start with labor ;)

    You'll be fine once baby is in your arms. My oldest was 10 when my 3 yr old was born and even that day (with a decade under my mom belt) I was thinking oh god I'm not ready yet! Probably do the same for this one too lol
  • Yeah I guess everyone goes threw it , I just worry alot about everything
  • I knew nothing of babies 1 month ago. I never even changed a diaper in my life! Its amazing how natural it comes to you though. So don't worry too much and don't feel guilty about the little mistakes because im still learning everyday
  • @keeleab ... you will be great! good luck!! and congrats!
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