full moon..

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
does anyone else believe the whole going into labor on a full moon thing? my mother in law did with hubby and we are the same amount pregnant.. just wanting thoughts and opinions (:


  • I do! I am praying I go tonight!
  • me too girl!!
  • @luvmyson how far along are you?!
  • Praying I do!
  • @chelle how far along are you?!
  • @mrs_wainright I am 38 .+3 and i have a c section scheduled for next Thursday but I am gonna try to have vbac if I go into labor before then!
  • It would be awesome if it worked for me but I know it wont. I definitely believe in it though.
  • @chelle oh lol ill be 38 weeks tomorrow and she. is putting me in so much pain! vag pressure and butt /back pressure ): sad day for me LOL
  • @rockinmomma lol I am praying hard I had a talk with her saying its okay to come see mommy now and I told her that I wanna meet her ad yada yada ya lol
    hope it works for you!
  • @mrs_wainright ill b 38 wks Friday...baby boy is almost 9 lbs so doc wants to induce in the next week but I want to go on my own. I was induced with my first and it was a horrible labor. I posted earlier about labor cookies so I'm hopin the combo of cookies and the full moon my lil man will b here soon....
  • @luvmyson we must be due on the same day! I'll be 38weeks on friday too but I don't feel anywhere near ready to go in to labor.

    @mrs_wainright I'm ok with her cooking a little longer. I have a mountain of laundry that I need to tackle before she gets here lol
  • I hope its true for you and @luvmyson! If it does, hope things go great and keep us updated. Seems lots of our preglys have gone into labor the past few days. I'll keep my fingers for both of you that your turn is soon.
  • I personally know 2 people that had their babies today... weird my best friend. Also had her baby early in december on a full moon and the l&d units were packed with premature births
  • I do I hope I go tonight 38 weeks and 5 days
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  • @luvmyson awh that's a big boy! and sorry I got a week ahead of myself I'm 37 today lol whoops sorry(;
    @rockinmomma lol I hate laundry!
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