hospital bill?

edited June 2011 in Pregnant
I will be 38 weeks tomorrow due july 1st and my health insurance just got canceled a week ago, so I was just wondering if anyone knows about how much the bill would be after delivering this baby. really not looking forward to receiving that in the mail :|


  • How did it get canceled? I don't know what state you live in but in CA we have. Healthy families. They pay for pregnant women's insurance and children.
  • I live in nj I had my baby 5wks ago n my bill was 24,545.00 just for me, the supposed bill my baby separate
  • The bill from my ob was $3200 for the c-section. I don't even know what the hospital bill was for me or for my son, or what the pediatritian's bill was. It's all really expensive, but the "good" news is that there's no interest on medical bills and they're usually really good about letting you pay it back in increments. :( Have you looked into medicade or chip?
  • Holy cow 24,545 ahh that's a lot:( I'm under my moms insurance bc I'm a full time student living at home so I'm paid for but baby isnt
  • Around 25 to 30 thousand. Get medicaid!!! They will help you sign up in the hospitol. Why did your insurance get cancelled?
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  • I'm in Oregon, and I've been told the bill for our hospital will run about $8,000.00 for a all-natural vaginal birth, $12-13,000.00 if you have pain meds or an epidural, and about $20,000.00 if you have a c-section. Hope that helps... sorry, I know it sucks. :/
  • Vaginial delivery was 11,000 in 2007 with no complications. In 2009 c section for both baby and myself 29,000 with no complications.
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  • @new_mommy_1 what city did u deliver in??? I'm from nj too n my bill was less than $3000 for vaginal birth n pain meds n $6500 for my daughter that was in newark... I wonder what this bill will b for a boy n this time I delivered in Montclair
  • @roomfor1more i live in kearny, but my dr works in livingston so I gave birth at saint barnabas in livingston
  • Uncomplicated vaginal deliver:1621.00
    Complex vaginal delivery: 1948.00
    Room and board for labor and deliverly charged hourly:
    Low Intervention:117.00ph
    Moderate Intervention: 156.00ph
    High Intervention: 195.00ph
    Nursery charges per Day(not sure if this is charged if they room in or not)
    Low Intervention: 660.00 pd
    Moderate Intervention: 851.00 pd
    High Intervention: 992.00 pd
    So if you figure that you must stay 2 days after delivery the total charges for a uncomplicated vaginal deliver with nursery charges would be 8557.00 for a 48 hour stay this doesnt include if you end up being in labor for 12 or more hours so ur probly lookin at a minimum of 10,000 at my hospital i wont kno till i actually deliver but my hospital at least gives me a break down of how it works
  • geez that's a whole lotta money. I live in iowa and just moved not to long ago and the dhs office claimed they sent me papers I was suppost to fill out but I never received them so they canceled it. and they told me I had to reapply and that it usually takes 30 days for everything to get processed even tho I told them I don't have 30 days lol. but hopefully they can get it done sooner. hell if I get a bill of 20 some thousand dollars my kids will still be paying it off long after I'm gone lol jk
  • I live in co and my insurance got cancelled the day my son was born so I got medicaid on the application it asks if theres any specific dates u need covered back 3 months n they will cover them
  • If you fill out the paperwork again hun just say you need them to cover the past month in medical bills, put jun-july in that blank and they will cover the delivery after you're accepted :)
  • Apply for medicaid hun.
  • For my son in 05 breech c section with complications on me 35k for 3 day stay. 09 vbac with induction, gbs & epidural was 15k with just overnight stay with no nursery used.
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  • Omg I'm freaking out! I have insurance so I don't have to pay anything right?!
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  • Oooooo damn @LMelanson
  • @Chels - you'll have to call your insurance to verify. For instance, my insurance does not cover delivery until September 22 .They wont cover it for 18 months from the first day that I got the insurance, luckily the baby is due October 3rd and hopefully wont come to early. That even includes pre-term labor. But I still have to pay my deductible which is 7000ish that I can make in payments. But if baby is born before September 22 then I am looking at a 13,000 bill or higher (and thats if it's a normal safe delivery, any complications and it's a higher bill). Also, my insurance covers the baby as soon as its born AND all of my prenatal care... just not the birth. -shakes fist at evil scamming insurance-

    @mommy2be711 - I agree with what most people suggested. Apply for Medicaid. I've never used it but from what I have read from other's experience it covers up to a certain amount of days before birth as well.
  • just sme info on my state insurance (not sure if its called medicaid where u r) the babys father will have to pay for some of the birthing costs. in most cases they do it based on income and can take payments but will take tax returns to get it paid quickly
  • My total bill is paid already. I don't have insurance. Honestly, I can't imagine paying as much as you all have. But I'm delivering at a birthing center, so the cost is cheaper. The bill (including my prenatal vistis) was $1200. But I think I only got this deal since I paid it before I actually deliver.
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  • O my god! Im really shocked over this post..the expense to have a baby is crazy! Here in ireland its free and i mean everything from doc apps to hopsital apps nd delivery, epidural everything!!
  • Geeze.. 35k to have a baby, make a mad dash for canada ladies!!!!
  • And ireland lol!!
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