Put those Combat bait thingys in all of the corners in the bathroom and in the kitchen. They're pretty good. We had them when we lived in an apartment when our house was being renovated for nine months. It's a battle, though. You might want to look into having someone come to exterminate.
Yes. There are more. No such thing as one roach. Good thing the guy is coming. Make sure the stuff he uses is safe if you have pets or find out how long you need to wait before you let the pets/kids back in the area. That stuff is strong!
I can change a tire probably faster than most, I've helped to rebuild a cars engine, I have no problem coming downstairs in the middle of the night to investigate a scary noise, but put me in 5 feet of a bug and I scream like a little girl. lol
Ugh, I've got roaches too. They're getting worse now that its hotter. I read online about a super easy way to get them out. Put some wet coffee grounds in a clean glass jar and put it outside next to a wall. They love coffee so any that are inside will go out to investigate and they'll crawl down the wall into the jar. Since its squeaky clean, they can't crawl back out I'm gonna get some traps to pick up the stragglers.
@USMCwifemommy101107 .. It's funny though bc Ron, who is admittedly the diva of the house will turn into GI Jane if a bug shows it's ugly face. I guess that's why we work. lol
My boyfriend takes care of the bugs and I love how he trys every way possible to get it and take it out side, besides just killing it right off the bat
Good luck!