need older/wiser/educated opinions please



  • I think yes of course the deal ur mom is giving you is a great option for a future with schoolin but also realize that even though she made this offer there may be days where she gets angry and feels taken advantage of especially if he moves in and doesn't clean up after himself she's looking for this to be a good way to maybe teach u both the responsibilities of living together and taking care of a child but it may overwhelm her when it all really happends so be aware this deal could also hurt ur relationship with her its a great deal id totally go for it but id kno that its not gonna be without its stressful days and tension may arise often
  • I just noticed you didnt have any insight from the other side. I am 25. I have been living on my own for five years two of which have been with my husband. I never to the day changed my last name because right before i married my husband i had to complete the divorce from my long seperated first husband. Unrelated but the divorce was a result of his unability to get a job. My second husband and I have a 1 yr old and another due in June. We both work part time and are both in school. We will both be done in 2-3 yrs. Grad degree for me and associates for him. We saved money by squeezing into a one bedroom because it was$ 300 cheaper. We are finally getting a second bedroom next month making rent 1000/mo. We did go into credit card debit with the first bc I didn't work during the end of my pregnancy. Of the debt half has been paid off already. We have a a TON of student loans because we have used them for cost of living to meet any gaps we have. We do make it work but it takes extreme dedication. We don't use childcare other than on sat when we work togehter and its free because its both our moms. We are both servers at the same place. Money is not the biggest stress. Schedually work and classes without needing a babysitter is the hard part. The bills get paid and we always have everything we need but we did have to sacrifice time together. We have to make the choice of spending time together or getting sleep. We could use a little more sleep but what parents don't need more sleep. Hectic scheduals now are just preparing us for our careers
  • Sound like your mom is being an awesome mom! Its hard to be an independent adult in moms house......but I would rather live with my mom for a year or 2 and be successful than going along 5 years or more struggling to buy diapers. Your mom is being a wonderful person to help with baby and allow ur bf to stay. It trully is hard to be on ur own...even more so with a little one ( I know (been there and done that). Sure your bf said u broke his heart, but he needs to know your heart is breaking becuz u only want to do what's right for baby. If I were u I would thank mom and stay with her. I'm wishing you the best and I think your gonna be a great mom if your already asking fro advice and help. Good Luck momma 2 be
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