edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hey ladies!! Has anyone had da stomach flu or anything of dat nature while pregnant?! Iam in school for nursing so i kno the only way to get rid of the virus is to let nature take its course. Ive had it for 2 days now..its starting to subside. I hav been sipping on gingerale && gatorade to help rehydrate myself && i kno its worse cus im pregnant cus if im losing nutrients...da bby is too :(. Im kinda scared to eat bcus i dnt wanna throw up or anything but i kno i need too. Anybody hav any suggestions on drinks to rehydrate or food to start my belly off w l so it wnt b so harsh on my stomach?! Thanx ladies!!0 B-)


  • Try Smart Water instead of Gatorade since it doesn't have any sodium, which can upset your tummy. Toast, bananas, crackers, Tums, Emetrol (sp?). I bought a morning sickness survival kit online, it worked when I got sick as well. It had these little pieces like effervescent (Alka-Seltzer fizz things) that were ginger but lemon-lime flavored. It had Preggy Pop drops (candy that's sugar free), candied ginger, B6 dissolvable strips (which help with nausea). It helped a lot. I think the site was Doula Shop. I will try to look in my records to find it. I hope you feel better asap!
  • @MrsDelRae thanx fa da advice. :) && i had it my last pregnancy wasnt bad jus a lil ov 24 hours. Someone told me bout ginger candies && dey help!! Ima try da smart water. Gatorade has a lotta sugar but dat wuz da first thing i thought of && ran to da gas station..i wasnt willin to travel to da grocery store bcus of my stomach :/. Lol. Thanks again && yea..i hope i feel betta asap also.
  • I had the stomach flu not so long ago I couldn't eat anything because it would either come out from top or matter what i ate or drank even if it was water so what I did was a lot of rest drank gataorade and crackers one thing I was able to hold down after like 2 days was chicken noodles soup...hope this helped hope u feel better :)
  • I always start with white toast and hot tea with lemon. Or plain, dry Cheerios. I had a stomach bug two weeks before my first was born. I was so big and my bathroom was so tiny I couldn't fit to get down on my knees to throw up. It sucked! Hope you feel better soon!
  • @BlessedMommy yes rest does help...alot! I hav a 20month old && he runs me raged. He goes to daycare from about 9:30a to 5p dat helps. But i couldnt bring him to daycare so i calld my mom to. My bf took off yesterday today && monday to help..jus in case!!!! Iam very thankful fa dat. I bought a couple of cans of campbells chicken noodle soup..i jus ate one matter of fact w l some room temp ginger ale...i had crackers earlier && wanted somethin to fill me up a bit && help me sleep. I ate half da can && hopefully will fall asleep in da couple mins..thanx!! @magcaw i drunk some hot tea w l a drop of honey && lemon && it helpd soothe my stomach..thanx ladies fa da advice&&get well wishes! :)
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