America is f**ked.

edited June 2011 in USA moms
We just are. The most shit goes wrong here. The people who live in mud houses in other countries live longer tjan us. They don't have so many complications. They don't have overpriced ANYTHING. Their babies can play and eat dirt with out the parents being frowned upon. They... a lot of things.

Just felt like saying that for no reason.


  • edited June 2011
    You just now realizing that?
  • Hell no. Lol

    I'm just in a I don't give a fuck what I say mood.

  • Lol me to I been spazzing on everybody today
  • I could say my reason why I think america has turned shitty but some people might find offense to it or start crap.. but I agree ha
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  • Lol thats true! I was born and raised my childhood in Mexico, and I remember eating dirt, or anything off the floor, playing all day in the sun acting like we were chefs and we had our restaurant and our food was made out of mud and leafs. Lol

    I remember drinking coffee in my toddler years and coke at lunch time etc..
    I did not grow up to be overweight, I have a great immune system because I barely get sick, and I have a healthy set of teeth!

    Now we have to worry about everything having chemicals in it or preservatives etc.
    Seems like I have to have everything organic or eco friendly because if not is not safe! Geez I feel so ols lol
  • *old not ols
  • I have been outside of us many times and I consider myself lucky here. Things we consider everyday items are luxury in most countries. Economy is in shambles and there is no law and police enforcement as effective as here. There are negatives here too but still ,If you really travel to certain places , you will realise how lucky you are:) even weather is different, something about it. Lol
  • Didnt look at it in that way but I also agree with you! Lol @ashthurs

    Im thankfull for what I have, but still miss what I had :(

    But its just those sad moments that makes us want what we dont have I guess. Like for example curly hair ppl want straight hair and straight hair ppl want curly lol etc.. We are never truly happy lol
  • I've been in places where there is no traffic rules, cops are bribed, anyone could walk in rape you or rob you and you can't do anything. Jobs are harder to find, school system is crap. When you go on vacation thou, its awsome. But personally I feel so lucky to live here. You have to consider what will it be like to live your life there. Food is great other countries thou, a lot better than fast food crap
  • That may be true but I would not want to live anyplace else. I love living in America. Thank God for the freedom and opportunity we can so easily take for granted!
  • Well we don't live long cuz of all the fast food crap. More and more kids are overweight and adults are eating crap and don't exercise so we have a shorter life span. I love America but the fast food choices over here suck! What happened to sitting down at a dinner table n having dinner!?
  • @praying4our3rd exactly! What happened to moms meatloaf? Lol I was never inside when I was growing up but now there's to much technology!
  • edited June 2011
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  • @praying4our3rd thats how my children will be raised too only Chandler (my husband) will cook since I tend to burn everything lol well I will cook some but nothing to extravagant!! i was never allowed to watch tv either i got to watch my mom wanted to watch wich was dateline and 20/20 haha. but yes no video games! there are way to many of them and thats all kids want to do is sit down and play video games and now the have handheld ones.
  • One of the GREAT things about America, is that we have freedom....The freedom to leave if we don't like it.....
  • @praying4our3rd Thanks :) When people say stuff like this is kinda makes me mad.....Nobody is making you stay. If it is so awful, Mexico is to the South and Canada is to the North....There are alot of people who are just begging to be citizens, yet we have actual citizens that hate it so much....Just sad.
  • Lol I would greatly disagree.

    Just from all my international travel I thank God im in America.

    I dnt have to worry about finding clean drinking water for my child, I dont have to worry about foreign military kicking in my door slaughtering my whole family. I dnt have to sell my child into the sex/drug industry for money. Im not sleeping on a dirt floor with chickens.

    Idk. Yah America is slipping, personally I feel its due to the removal of God but again I wouldnt want to be any other place.
  • I am not trying to sound b*tchy or anything about it, but I come from a military family and have lost several people in this war that is going on now, so to hear people say how awful it is here is just really disheartening....Everyone is entitled to their opinion and that is why we have freedom of speech.
  • Hey, I spent a semester in Russia, waited in lines for food, saw armed military dudes on every corner... Had fun but it was mostly because I knew I could come back home to America anytime.
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  • I ageee @mommy2isaiah&;giselle...its amazing to me how they are so content with the simplest things.

    I think the US would be a better place if ppl had that same mentality that the things they receive are blessings instead of feeling they need and are owed things.
  • That's sorts my point @Mommy2IsaiahNGiselle

    People aren't soley happy here. We bitch and complain about everything..

    Being lazy and orderibg pizza, ok.. oh its gunna be 45 minutes? Well shit.

    I was happy growing up cause I played outside, I got grounded, I ate grass for no reason, I didn't watch a ton crap of tv, I still don't.

    I've been to mexico twice for church missions when I was a teenager. Yea it looked shittier, but I remember everyday in detail.. maybe cause I had fun, the food was delicious. The people didn't complain that they had an outhouse instead of a real toilet.
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  • I'm just gunna like you comment *clicks like*
  • America is the greatest country on earth! I'm proud to be an american. Land of the free! If you want your child to play in dirt you have that choice here. If you don't want your kids inside all day put them out. Its simple and free living and i wouldn't change it for anything. Amerca f*ck yeah!! Coming again to save the mother f*ucking day yeah!!
  • edited June 2011
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  • I get what she's trying to say here, and I agree... I believe it's directed at the people in this country who are not at all thankful for what we have... am I correct?
    My mom has mental health issues, so I grew up in a pretty bizarre way... all of my teen years were spent in a 1-room 16'x16' cabin with no power or running water- hell, it didn't even have a front door, and I didn't have the "luxury" of an outhouse! (That's right, I was forced to crap outside, year round, for almost 4 years)... and that was right here in the good ol' US of A. I felt like no one cared because people knew where my mom kept me & that I was underage & did nothing to stop it or help me.
    Needless to say, I "get" what a lot of kids have to grow up in in other countries, and would never wish it on my kids. I have made the CHOICE to be thankful for everything I have & little luxuries like turning on a light with a switch instead of lighting a kerosene lamp with a match.
    God Bless America & all of those who have given their lives so I can give my kids a better life than I had. :)
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