i just dont understand people: ( **long**

so on june 2nd a 16 year old girl went missing in my town everyone just had thought she had run away so the whole community came together doing so much to find her and bring her back to her family.
well about 2 weeks later on the 14th the day before her 17th birthday they were questioning a 17 yr old boy who lived with her family for a short time and was friends with carly (the missing girl) and they gave him a polygraph test after failing he had confessed to killing her in an abandoned building tht he was living in leaving her body there for 2 days then buried her in a sand pile.
it is just completely sad n crazy I live In traverse city mi n I think in the last 20 (don't quote me on this I could be wrong) there has been 4 murders here
the place they found her body is down the street like 2 blocks from my moms apartment n the killers gf lived with her mom in the apartment under my moms n the few times I seen him coming n going from my mom's he always said hi was polite n held the door for me a time or 2 never thought he would be a murderer


  • that's crazy and so sad. I didnt think police could use a polygraph though. I guess you learn something new every day.
  • omg so sad :( kinda creepy, my name is Carly too. But rest in peace carly<3

    ill be praying for the family.
  • idk about the polygraph its just what I read in the paper
    why wouldn't police use them? lol I don't know much about that stuff
    but ya so sad a pretty young girl who barley started her life had it taken away by a person she thought was a friend
  • Im from Grand Rapids, Mi and I saw that on the news :( Its so sad :( Unfortunately, I come across a lot of messed up people. I work in the county jail and before they go to prison, they come to the county during trial and such. The hardest for me was when a guy murdered his girlfriends two year old and I saw him everyday I worked. I have a two year old so it hit close to home. But anyways, sorry for the long story. Im glad that they have him custody now!
  • Scary! OMG... gotta watch who you get close to! IM sorry for the 16 year Old family. Too sad. :(
  • Omg soo sad :( another girls life cut short cus of some creep
  • I'm glad they have him in custody too! makes me feel safer that he's not still running around town!
  • Polygraph results arent 100% conclusive so that's why they can't use them in court. Police however can ask you to take one & it's up to the person if they want to or not. I also live in MI & was following the story on the news.
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