Anyone trying for a November bundle of joy??!!



  • I am due 11/2/11 also but will have a scheduled c section so will prbly deliver late Oct! Congrats everyone and good luck to those still trying!
  • Baby dust to everyone. I am going on 2 years and 2 months of trying. Keeping my fingers crossed.
  • Good luck casella, try the 10 day count see if that helps...worked for me might for u to.
  • I have an 11/10 due date but hope its the 11th. That would be fun :)
  • Im due the 1st november, my partners 1st, my 3rd my son is 5 my daughter though will be 3 also on the 1st november!!! Hopefully this one will come after!
  • So 3 days late and took a pg test 2 days ago it was. Neg how long should I wait to take another?
  • Try and wait till you are a full week...and I say try because I know how hard it is to be patient. And use first morning pee. I took one the night before my missed period(3tests actually) & 2 came back with very faint lines and a digital with a not preg...took one day of missed period w first morning pee and wahla...PREGNANT;-)
  • My due date is 11/11/11
  • Mines due in November 17 such a long way to go.
  • So excited due with our first on 11/10....we tired for 7 months and all month in February I joked about conceiving and have a baby 11/11 and then next year having another baby on 12/12. I would say we got pretty close and think it happened because I stopped stressing about!!! Good luck to all!!!!
  • This was my 3rd month ttc and Woohoo we did it I'm due November 19th and so happy good luck to all you ladies
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