38 wks 2days with a very sharp pain for 3 days now pLz help!!!!

Ok so on sunday morning I started to get this pain on my right side right under my right brest and at first I just figured it was gas and the pain stayed the same all the way until monday at around 430pm and it started getting worse I can't bend to My right side I can't bend over front ways when I cough it hurts and when I laugh so last night I called L&D and they called the dr on call wich was my dr thank god and she told me oh btw I started having contractions while waiting for her call. Any ways so I talked to her and she was asking me a bunch of questions about taking a bath taking pepsid and I had done all of that walking and what not so she said see if u can hold out a lil longer and see if ur contractions get worse and then go get it evaluated so of course about 3 hours lated my stubborn lil brooklynns contractions stopped but I still had this pain but I had finally fallen asleep woke up this morning and the pain was there but not as bad as last night well it is now 11am and the pain is starting to worsen again and I guess I'm wondering have any of u had this or is going through this right now plz don't let me be alone on this lol I just want to know what it is so bad but I havE to hold out just 2 days till my appointment and ill be 39 weeks then any addvice or sudjestions will help thanks ladies
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