Need some honest opinions on my names!

edited January 2011 in Baby names
I'm in my 9 th wk so I got some time, just thinking of some "different" type names, but don't want them to sound too crazy.....
I was thinking of Roane Theron for a boy and Rilynn Arianna for a girl.... I need some HONEST opinions, cuz you know how most ppl aren't going to be when they re looking you in the eye! Thnx ladies!!


  • I'm not sure about the boys name but I love riylnn arianna, I wanted to name my baby sadie rylin but everyone was against me lol
  • Roane could also b pronounced Rowan, but I was a little more partial to just Roane or Roan..... And Theron, was from this guy I used to know, his parents were Jamaican, and I always kinda liked it.....
  • But am I going to be the only one who likes it tho?
  • Roane is better than rowan, but it really just depends on you (: its different and if u really like it, I think you should keep it!
  • I deff do not like roane theron... kinda remindes me of a stripper name... but if you like it that's what counts. If I was going to have a boy we were going to name him Dexter John and everyone said how they hated it but I didn't care because my finacee and I loved it. Needless to say every one was happy when they found out it was a girl. I still get people who say they don't like Tessa Elise but idc, because I got to carry her 10 months, ill name her what ever I want lol. I really like your girls name though. Super cute =)
  • my baby is going to be mixed, his mom came to me and said she keeps having dreams if the name Roan, later that night I did a little research on the meaning, funny enuf, the name is actually a color in some breeds of animals, coincidently a color made with the mixing of black and white, lol! The name actually means Red, and if you didn't know some "light skinned" or " high yellow" black ppl are considered to be called "red boned", which is a predominate color of his mother, so with all that said, I suppose thats why I ended up considering the name, just bc it seemed like fate, BUT I do not want a "silly" sounding, or "striper" type name!
    thnk for the help!!!
  • *of
    *of his mothers side of the family....
  • I can only offer advice of an adult with an unusual name; I hated it growing up & was tormented by otherf kids for having a 'weird' name. My advice is unusual is alright as long as you keep the spelling simple & easy to pronounce. I would show people the name written down & ask them to read it- that way you'll know if people see it the way you do; no one can pronounce my first, middle or, now that I'm married, last names... gets frustrating. Good luck!
  • Thanks vette devil, so would you say that my boy name is too tuff to read and say?
  • How are you pronouncing roane? Like row-Anne? It sounds a little girly in my opinion. Theron sounds strong though, I like it.
  • Yea the boy names not sure how to pronounce. Gel names sound ok
  • I think if you want people to see/say 'roan', leave the E off... Theron seems fine if you want ther-on like Charlize Theron... as for the girls' name, to me it would be easier to swap the vowels: I.e. Rylinn... that way I see ry-linn, not ree-linn... unless that's what you're going for? Obviously, ultimately its up to you & what you think is beautiful. I just know people will take a great name and butcher it terribly... good luck ;)
  • I LOVE Roan, but I'm not crazy about it with an "e" on the end. Just as a side-note--it might be used against him since he's going to be mixed. Then again, just about any name can be used to make fun of some aspect of a kids make-up (and kids are sooo cruel) so I guess it just depends on where you think he'll be most sensitive. I mean, if you and partner are comfortable with your different races, then being mixed probably won't be a big deal to your son, so it wouldn't be something he's sensitive about. Just something to consider. We named our son Simon even though we knew that Simple Simon might be something kids would make fun of him with. My husband and I are both pretty book-smart, so we were hoping that that would be passed on to him and Simple Simon wouldn't work. Haha. I think Theron is a beautiful middle name. For a girl, I'm not a huge fan of Rilynn but I love Arianna.
  • Now that I've said all that,I feel that I should explain--for a multitude of reasons, I was bullied mercilessly as a child. None of them had to do with my name, but if i'd had the type of name that could have been used, I'm sure it would have been used. Because of this I'm sensitive to opening kids up to potential bullying, and with names I've always tried to play the devil's advocate with them so that I could determine whether they were ok or too easy. I hope that I wasn't offensive or anything.
  • edited January 2011
    it would be pronounced Roan (row-n).... Theron would be (th-air-n)
  • No no one has offended me at all thanks for the input, I like the idea of dropping the "e" and just having Roan Theron ....
  • I like theron a lot. And Arianna. Roan is cute but as some one who showed horses roan is used too describe the specific coloring of a horse. But if you didn't know that it would be fine. I love different names. I have a very different, hard to say name. But I loved it growing up. Made me feel special. And it was always a great conversation starter. I have two step sons Chris and Brandon. They always have 5other kids in every class or event with the same names. My kids are also mixed. So I took advantage and gave them different names. I love them! And my teenage step sons are jealous they done have cooler names lol. My friend named her son Rohaun, ~Rohon.. And I love it! But go with your heart. Once people get too know you its you they think of when they hear the name. Not what it may or may not mean..
  • My kids are Keoni Koa for my son, and Hokulani Nevaeh for my girl. In case you were curious! Lol thinking of Jacyra or Jazhara Kanani for my last girl!
  • It's your baby who cares what everyone else thinks! Did they ask u ur opinion ?
  • @kmose- yeah, I read that Roan was a color to describe horses, dogs, n cattle, lol, thats why I thought it was funny his mom came to me and said she was having dreams about the name Roan for the baby..... Unbeknownst to her what the meaning of it really meant, I got a giggle over the correlation between the two (my baby's color & the actual color meaning).....
  • I think its cute. Especialy if it already has meaning for you.Go with what you love
  • I love both of those names very cool that grandma got the name :) do think it might go better with a different spelling for Roane... We actually have a 13 year old Theron... and I love the name Arianna...
  • If u like it go with it. My daughters name is Jaicee Maria Janae no one likes it but I love it
  • @wanna- yeah I decided to keep it@ Roan, I dont want the "e" pronounced, it would have been silent, and I want to lessen the teasing they might butcher it and call him Rown-y (roane) I dont like that, so its just Roan, but I would call him Theron neway, I LOVE that name, that one was my pick, good choice wanna- does your son like it?
  • @kmose- those are other ways of saying the name actually, they all mean "red head" lol, and I can agree to having a simple common name, mine is Jessica Leigh Davis..... I HATED IT!! every class, doc office, place I went had another with my FULL name, it sucked not being different bc I really was different than all the other kids! I needed a name to reflect that, plus I hated always being the kid forced to be called by a shortened version of my name Jessi Leigh, it sounds so country!
  • Yes ma'am he loves his name... his full name is Robert Theron... Robert being Dad's name we have always called him Theron... it is not a very common name, we live in a town of about 3000 there are three :) one is in his 80's and another in his 20's :) Our daughter's name is Talyiah Marie... our Theron is a redhead:)
  • My name is Sylvia... I got teased a lot with it... I just refused to answer until they said my real name not saliva or sliver I had about 6 teasing names... and 2 nicknames only used by family...Sylvie and Syl I didn't mind those two :) , but sometimes I wished I had a more common name...all the sylvia's were in there 40's :) made me think I had an "old" name :) I like my name and being unique :)
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