Anyone planning a water birth with a midwife and doula ?

edited February 2011 in Giving birth
I just think its amazing my first son was born in the hospital but I didnt take any pain meds the release of hormones after the birth was so amazing I was high for days.My second and third I did go for pain meds....this pregnancy I want a natural birth again with no drugs and only emergancy medical intervention.Im just wondering if I can 35 ,overweight,strep b+,and rh neg.


  • I heard its better for healthy woman with a low risk pregnacy. If your doctor says ur both i don't see why you wouldn't be able to. I've been doing a lot of research on it cuz I'm interested in doing it myself
  • I just watched The Business of Being Born today (you can steam it on Netflix). I used to say that I'm no hero and I wanted an epidural. Now... I'm not so sure. I had already decided to go with midwives, and I think they have tubs at the birthing center. So I am starting to entertain the thought of a water birth.
  • I wanted a water birth but my bf says his daughter is not. Tadpole. Lol but its our first so ill do the epitdural n see how things go
  • @Jwigs i saw that movie yesterday on netflix and i gotta tell you, its right. I had a doula training with me on my last birth and went totally natural. She was born in the van on the way to the hospital, but the dr still charged my insurance for a full delivery, and put her name on the birth certificate as the delivering doctor! There was nothing i could do to correct these errors, and this time im on medicaid, if they find out im even thinking of a home delivery, they'll make me pay them back for every dr visit i've had so far, because they don't approve of delivery outside a hospital. I tell ya, if i had 2000 dollars, id drop my insurance tomorrow to deliver with a midwife.
  • edited February 2011
    @firstmama be careful with the epidural. Wait as long as you can to get it. I got one with my first, and it stalled my labor, so they gave me pitocin to keep the contractions going, and it hurt more after that. They had to give me iv pain meds with the epidural. And tell your bf that the baby wont even try to breathe until you take it out of the water and stimulate it to breathe.
  • I really want a water birth and I'm now strongly looking into it. I love the water and that's really the only time I'm at peace. I'm looking into birthing centers now... I'm due in sept.
  • I wanted a waterbirth with my first baby but no one was supportive of the idea so I just did a traditional birthing and went without pain meds as long as I could
    @4senough they put me on potcin or whatever and that ish made my contraction so much stronger that's what made me get an epidural
  • I had both mine at a birthing inn. Best ever. I got in the tub, and it does help soooo much!! I had to get out to push, just cuz I couldn't push well in the tub, but I would highly recomend it. Even if you don't deliver in the water it helps sooooo much. Baby came out happy and alert. And I was up and moving in the hr.
  • @Jwigs and @4senough
    Im getting medicaid so I have to check that out as well im moving to Seattle on the 24th ill be almost 28 weeks then..The hospital there Swedish offers a midwife so im definatly checking that out I cant afford to pay best friend that will be present is a Reflexologist .........ive also watched the "Business of Being Born" I was so impressed, especially when the 1st woman gave birth at home in the pool and her toddler child was present at first I was like ohh no,but when I saw her pushing and smiling and her toddler stroked her arm , and I saw the baby come and she pulled it up to her I was just so amazed ....i cried :)

  • Wasn't it wonderful? I cried too, and am determined to have that kind of birth this time around. My children were present for most of my last labor, and were very understanding.
  • I am also planning a water birth at the birth center here and I cannot wait! I am truly looking forward to the natural experience and feeling of accomplishment I have heard is what makes it so special. I feel like I am in good hands, my midwives are the best! Feeling good
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