uhh :'( advice needed

I hate this depression! Im fustrated, sad, mad, ect. All I do is cry.. Instead of it getting better it seems to get worse and it mainly hits me at night when im in bed, I know I need to talk to my dr about it but im scared they will put me on meds.. :'( I dont know what to do im torn and broken inside.. Please someone give me advice.


  • Remember, they won't / can;t force you to take meds. So if you talk to the Doctor, atleast you'll get some reassurance that what you're going through is something that mnay people go through. I'm sure he/she will give you your option and YOU make the call. It can't hurt....
  • Do u have a journal? It would be helpful if u have no one to talk to and u can be honest on paper..if u wanna share with someone Just so they understand what's going on then do so...but its important not to "think" about What to write...Just let all ur love hate hurt flow...freestyle it don't prethink its not the same u will be chosey on what u write...
  • edited June 2011
    @amab13 yea maybe I should talk to somebody especially since idk why I feel this way thank you so very much

    @mikeandronabopt I agree, maybe I just need to know more about what I can do about it I know its common and theres ways to help with it thank you for that

    @new2_this I think im going to try that.. Sometimes I ask myself why I feel this way, and if im letting my kids down. I sometimes feel like a bad mom, its really hard dealing with it on my own, and I feel like no one understands maybe, just writing will help get some stress out thank you hon.
  • See if your doc will refer you to a psychologist. Psychologists DON'T write scripts- psychiatrists do. I have one of each (psychologist AND psychiatrist) and I love them both. If your completely open and honest, you will find relief, I promise :)
  • I had horrible ppd after I had my son, and hid It because I didn't want to be medicated. In the end, turns out making myself leave the house and not isolating the baby and I made me feel better. It also helps to talk to friends/family members who have gone through it. Knowing you're not an overly emotional wreck seems to help. Hugs. It gets better. :)
  • @amab13 im okay still in and out thanks for asking :)
    @babynumbersix I havent talk to a dr yet, but I am soon ive set am appt to see her and im completely open and I will be honest, I need the help.
    @RTmommy theres no one I could really relate to my friends and family never went threw this and if they did they never talk about it, I try to talk about it but they all say im fine its just I feel this way because.i just had a baby..
  • Why are you scared of meds?
  • edited June 2011
    @blueberrysmom because i always hear about people dying off meds, I know it sounds werid but ive always been afraid of meds.
  • Me too I like to take as little possible medication as possible the only time I think i take it is when I have a cold I even count my prenatal and iron as meds lol
  • My sil had ppd real bad... her dr put her on a very mild medication and she only needed it for 6 months...but it literally saved her life...good luck mama. Don't be ashamed if u need to take something.....ur body has been thru alot hormonally too!
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