what names has everyone got for there little ones????



  • I don't know what I'm having yet but since my bd can sing if it's a girl (what I'm hoping) Lyric Harmony if it's a boy..ugh im just clueless but I really like names with meaning.
  • edited June 2011
    I won't find out what I'm having until Tuesday :D but if it's a girl its going to be Kara Tricia (HATE IT) and if its a boy then Hunter Ray :)
  • Mine is Makenzie taylor
    October 29th
  • Its a girl due 9/2 and her name will be Arabella Peyton Pickrell or Arabella Peyton Elaine Pickrell
  • @cee808: Aww, that is so cool! :D I don't know anyone with a son with that name except for you and @onmy3rdangel. That's awesome! How old is your Zaiden, or is he born yet?
  • edited June 2011
    @mya218 oh wow onmy3rdangel has a son named zaiden too? :) my son is 6 years old. i am 13w7days preg and i have no ideas on names for my next lil one. lol

    @onmy3rdangel ohh cool my sons name is zaiden and my daughters birthday is sept 16 lol
  • @cee808: Yes, she's still pregnant but his name will be spelled Zaydyn. Congrats on your newest little miracle! Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?
  • Levi Cullen Rowell
    Expecting to induce last week of July
  • @mya218 TY! is this ur first baby? congrats to u too. well i have one boy and one girl... at first i was saying it doesn't matter but i am leaning toward wanting a girl but i have a feeling its a boy for some reason. we'll see :-D
  • @cee808: No, this is my 3rd. I have a son named Eric Jr. ("E.J.") who'll be 5 in July, and a daughter named Asia who turns 3 in July. And no, hubby and I didn't plan all these July births. LOL!
  • @mya218 ahh july is gonna be a busy month for u all! at least when they are older u just throw them big parties together haha. thats how our family is all birthdays close to eachother everyone is either born in june or september. i am just hoping this baby comes a little early or late because i am hearing christmas is not a good day to have ur bday on LOL
  • Baby boy #2 Jayden Eli....csection July 6th..big brother 3 yrs old Sedakai Aiden
  • Alayiah Delores-Marie Thomas
    Due Sep. 9th..
  • Boy due oct 31 Nicholas Vincynt Williams :)
  • ♥Alana Noelle
  • Having a girl naming her Sophie Elisabeth Morales. Due July 25th :)
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Girl (:
    Aleeah Isabella DeBenedetto
    Due aug 12th
  • Ny'lah Adrian Linda Graham
    due july 22 2011
  • Emmett Daniel Hernandez
    july 15th
  • My miracle baby will be here (hopefully) on Sept. 17, 2011!
    We're having a boy <3
    His name is going to be Christopher Paiton-Alexander (pronounced "Peyton")!
  • If its a girl novalee Ariel. Boy idk yet I'm 14 wks due Dec 27
  • Girl
    possibly... Denise Shantay Shakara wood
    probably gonna change it yet again...
    August 9
  • Girl
    Due July 11
    Adelynn Kay
  • My little boy will be Elliot James :X October 23rd
  • Rozalee Sophia Ray
    Due: sept. 15 :)
  • Boyy due july 7th soooo anxious
    Ismael Rodriguez Jr :D
  • @dadof2n1togo: Zander is the name my fiance and I had picked out if ours was a boy! I love it!

    ours is a girl.

    anderika jo gracelin

    due july 17 :-D
  • Carson Alan Looney
    October 5th!!
  • I find out wat I'm having next week I'm excited I want a girl. Naming her Daya Krystine Rojas I'm due November 6th. If its a boy t
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