Why do men have to be so freaking hateful

Finally got to go home from the hospital at noon...my bf comes to get me and starts a fight about eating lunch in the room! Hello I just had surgery to keep our baby and try not to have an early delivery. Anyway we get to the car and he continues and then drives my car like a maniac. Flying down the road he hits railroad tracks hard enough for my car to scrub. WTF! My stomach is cramping like crazy and he has to be an ass!


  • Not all men are like that. Sounds like he has some major maturity issues. Is he always like that?
  • Not usually...i think he went home and got drunk last night and then I woke him up to come get me. He should have stayed with me!
  • That's still pretty crazy of him. Sorry you're having to deal with that. I hope he puts on his big boy pants and starts treating you better... ;)
  • Thats just crazy! I'm so sorry but maybe u need a break from him or have him get some anger management? My hubby wouldn't dare and plus hun he could have hurt u or the baby. Just think about it... not all men are that way.
  • He sounds like a total jerk. I have to agree with @mikeandronadopt, not all men are crappy like that. He needs to grow up and respect your pregnancy. Does he always behave that way? You are gonna have quite a difficult pregnancy if he continues to act that way.
  • @tishj330 @mikeandronadopt I am honestly not sure what happened that made him act that way. I told him I was carrying his baby and said thats right you should not say things to piss me off since you are carrying my baby. So I come home and went to bef. I just figurr leave it alone for now cause I do not need to be stressed. He is usually VERY good to me!
  • @MikeandRonAdopt rofl @ puts on his big boy pants!! ur too funny!
    but really wow! its so hard to find a good man these days!
  • @mandac10 I agree and love the big boy pants comment. The only thing I can do is lay here. My entire family is at the beach. My dad and grandparents come home on monday so I can go there if he keeps up.
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