***UPDATE***I just want a baby! Venting



  • @Jess510 thank you sweetie! Yes it just seems I get too upset (so some fam members have said). I hope to post on here soon a bfp :)
    @cheryl74 Aww no tear shed, I know it'll happen, it has to right?! I want this so bad. Thank-you for the prayer!!!
    @calebsmommie oh my hunny! Congrats!!!!! I went to a friends baby shower (she is sooo sweet & very sensitive to me bc she knows alk my ttc struggles) I was doing great, & then one of our other friends came in & she's prego, then her sister came in who's also prego & I love them all they are the sweetest, but I was still shattering inside! But then the other night we went to dinner w/ some friends & our server (18 y/o(I am not judgeing anyone on pregly so plz no one take offense)) was my cousins husbands neice, anyway, she got pregnant at 16, contemplated even marrying the dad, then said she wanted another on close o her daughter. I am 27, been married 2 years & whenever my family talks about my struggles or my ttc or how they can't wait for me to have a baby, my cousin(31) rolls her eyes, yet when their neice was trc w/ their 2nd one @17 my cousin just bragged & supported her ttc! This is the stuff that makes me a mean, bitter b!&ch! So I've just had to learn to walk outta the room when she's around, bc she has nothing positive to say, about anything ever!
  • @jellybelly1015 6yrs, wow hun! So glad it ll worked out & hubby is ok? Hubby was tested & thank goodness everything is ok. So hopefully my uterus is better &thin lining & I'm hoping my body will naturally ovulate. I see every pregnant woman, every single baby wherever we are :( its torture just going to the store, sometimes I do just fine & other times I get teary & poor hubby gets the not so good attitude wifey :( poor guy thank God e loves me enough to put up w/ it all. He wants a baby as bad as I do, bc he sees dads out w/ their kids & he's like awww I want to b out & hangin w/ my kid too.
    @BensMama :) Thank-you so much! Hubbys nephew name is Ben (he's 3) & all the time hubby says "Babe I want a Ben, can we have a Ben now" uh duh of course we can! He told his mom if I can have kids just like Ben I would let her have 4 kids! He's the sweetest kid, loves to cuddle, he's calm, but sometimes get rowdy when he's ready to play, I can't wait :)
    @all Thank you ladies soooooo much!!!!!!
  • Aww that's adorable! Sounds a lot like my Ben. :D
  • Of course it'll happen, and I've no doubt you'll make an amazing mummy. X x
  • You will get one or them. The best thing you can do is stop stressing about it. Just let it happen. Good luck and lots of baby dust.
  • Sweetie I understand! It is hard not to stress and want this. My hubby is doing fine now, should be doing testing to see if surgery helped sperm count go up (fingers crossed!!!) This or next month. Now that we are expecting he isn't in as much rush, but I'm dying to know lol. My girlfriend had similar issues as what you are describing. She was also overweight (which you do not look at all BTW) which made her pcos worse. It took her five years, she lost 50lbs and then a miscarriage as well, but their little boy just turned three!!! For me, hearing don't stress was easier said than done and only upset me. Hearing success stories calmed me down. I hope you having your thin lining and some good fireworks real soon!!! And TG for the men that understand and love us and want the same things!!! I'm glad you guys are in it together, definitely makes a difference!!! :)
  • I know that getting pregnant is your dream..but always remember Gods time is the best time..I'm praying for you!
  • @BensMama @cheryl74 @KrazymomofAdrian :-D :-D :-D :-D THANK-YOU!!!!!
    Jellybelly1015 THANK-YOU!!!! You made my day (blushing) I've gained about 20lbs since that pic but I have been trying hard to loose all the weight I've gained since we got married (almost 2 yrs). Thank you for helping me keep my faith up, this has been so hard. It seems no one around me has issues w/ this especially in my family. I was hoping to get married & a few months down the road we would get prego, but after a yr of no protection & a heart broken me, I was very much upset. I love kids I always have. I would ditch my friends to go babysit for ppl I worked w/ bc they were always more fun to hang w/ than going out & getting drunk. I was just hoping to be a mommy last yr & prego w/ our second sometime this yr, but my uterus had other plans, darn uterus it should have consulted me don't ya think lol sorry to ramble. Thank-you again <3
  • Your welcome hun. It's sad that typo can't be a mom now but it will happen. you sound like you deserve them. Good luck and lots of very sticky baby dust.
  • have you tried the green diet.. like quadrouple you folic acid intake.. just to raise chances.. i dont know anything .. but i did see a show on tlc.. and thats whats worked for some woman.. good luck and i pray you get what you want.. and i pray it comes soon to you.. someone like you deserves to be a mom.. it makes me sad when i hear these stories because ive known so many woman.. i wouldnt call them mothers .. who have kids and dont care for them .. it makes me wonder.. why.. my nephews mom for example drugie.. just had her sixth child.. he was the 5th and hes 2 in aug.. she doesnt take care of any of her kids.. hes such a sweet boy.. she really doesnt know what shes missing.. she doesnt deserve to be called a mom.. good luck really i wish you and your honey the best.. i hope it happends for you soon..
  • @lae3 Thank-you! I will look into them! And I will b praying for ur nephew & his siblings, that is very sad!
  • I went to the dr today, had an ultrasound & all looks w/ my uterus. I get to start clomid tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sooooo excited!
  • Dr appt today went good, uterus looks good, starting clomid & dr appt later this month to check progesterone levels!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm soooooo excited, thank-you all for prayers now I will use this built up truck loads of baby dust!!!!!
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  • So glad that your appt went well. Lots of baby dust for you. Cant wait for the day you get your bfp. Good luck :)
  • edited July 2011
    Omg omg omg I just read this and I screamed yes!!! Im so sending you more truck loads of sticky baby dust!!!!
  • Yay!!!! I'm so excited for you! Sending TONS of baby dust!!!! :)
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses :-D I was so ecstatic sitting in the drs room today!!!
    @LittleBuddy0811 Thank-you hun!
    @SaylorsMommy :) thank-you & I hope your psychic! Lol
  • aww thats great.. congrats.. so whats up with your uterus if you dont mind me asking..? now your goin in the right direction.. now we just have to let nature takes its course.. yay.. cant wait for your post.. to be pregnant and due(fill in the blank} :X
  • Keep us updated. Lots of cyber love.
  • Good luck hon. lots of baby dust to you :)
  • it took my n my hubby five yrs. we went to see a fertility doc n everything. but I got prego off clomid n metformin n I tracked my ovulation every month n made hubby go check his sperm count. I have a low count of eggs n my period was abnormal. but clomid made af come on time every month. sending u lots of baby dust. good luck. have u been prego before??
  • @lae3 I had hyperplasia, its when the lining of the uterus just buids & builds & doesn't shed for awhile. This isn't fertilized egg friendly :( but I don't have hyperplasia anymore :-D & my uterus & eggs look good, so hopefully w/ clomid & metformin I will b good to conceive!!! Thank-you!
    @KrazymomofAdrian Will do! Thank-you!
    @Stillsurprised Thank-you!
    @MrsThompson34 I am on metformin & starting 100 mg a day clomid, ultrasound looked good today (checked my uterus & ovaries) hubby has been checked, he's good to go thank goodness! So hopefully soon! Nope never been prego :( this will be our first (hubby has no children either)
  • Congrats on the good news at the drs! I am sending tons of baby dust your way!!! Keep your head up and your strength... it will happen!!!
  • awww, I had to get all that checked too. it only took 4 cycles of clomid n metformin n boom I was prego. im 28 weeks 2moro. so dont give up. n u knoe wat did the trick for us. have ur hubby save his sperm for at least five days til u ovulate so his sperm will b full n loaded. cuz the month I concieved hubby had to check his sperm count n they told us not to have sex which we didnt n his sperm count was sky high n so we did the same thing before ovulation n we got pregos. doc said even if u have good sperm n u have sex everyday sperm gets watery n u shootin only 50% so let ur hubby build it up. track ur ovulation every month. boy, did I spend money every month on n off for five yrs on those sticks... pain in the ass lol but it helped me n I ovulate on the 15 n 16 day after af. I also learned my body. but I hope this help u bc ive been there n its hard n stressful n I cry all the time wen I see that negative. wen I was on clomid I took 50mg for the first two months, then 75mg n 4th month 100. it makes u sweat n I didnt get bad migraines tho. but good luck hunnie. let me kno wat happens.
  • Good luck hun...have fun and don't stress! :)
  • Lots and lots of baby dust for you! really hope it happens for you!! x
  • @all Thank-you sooo much!
    @MrsThompson34 I am praying. I've done the 50mg round in the past & then the 100 round the next month so he started me on 100 mg this first round so crossing fingers! We are praying praying hoping wishing for twins! Hoping for girls or 1girl 1boy, BUT we will be blessed & happy w/ whatever God blesses us w/ :)
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