***UPDATE***I just want a baby! Venting

I just want all this ridiculous issues to stop! All I want in life is ro be a mommy! I love my husband & am oh so blessed to have met him & even more blessed to have become his bride of almost 2 years! But I want nothing more in life but to become a mommy. Since I was 7 I've told my mom, when I grow up I will get married & be a mommy! :'( Between the irregular periods, heavy flows, ER visits, pains,.pelvic floor spasms, hyperplasia, hyperestogenism, & PCOS.......I feel overwhelmed & broken-hearted! I just want to be a mommy & enjoy the blessing God has given women!


  • You will become a mommie soon. May I ask how long have you've been ttc?
  • Oh hunny. I'm so sorry that ur having such a hard time I think u deserve to be happy and I hope ur time comes very soon... I will keep u in my prayers sweetie here's lots of hugs for ya >:D< >:D< >:D<
  • @excitedforbaby Thank-you hun & yes, ttc 22 mo.
    @Mommyoffive Thank-you hun!
  • I hope you get your bfp asap! My sil struggled having only ectopic pregnancies, they removed the tubes and did invitro, now blessed with twins last january. Don't lose your faith!
  • Itll happen hun.. Keep your faith. Hugs
  • @praying_4_twins I feel ur pain. We have been try for about the same length of tie
  • Hi,
    We have never interacted on pregly but I do try to keep up with your posts. I was wondering, have you been tested for endometriosis? it might be something to look into.
    Sending baby dust your way I hope you get your bfp soon -hugs-

  • @Jaime77 thank-you & congrats to your sil!
    @Karla_with_a_K Thank-you! & I'm trying :)
    @tryinghard19 Its a hard road. Have you seen a dr?
    @LittleFae I have asked to be tested. But several drs have said they don't know that it is & they want to avoid having to do surgery (laproscopy) (sp). My aunt has endometriosis & has had it removed 3 times. It makes me think that I do but they won't test me.
  • @Prayin_4_twins - I'm not sure if it is hereditary or not, but if you have an aunt who has it and you have been having all of these problems and they still don't know whats up I would start pushing harder for them to test for it. Even if it is through a surgery. Endo is something you want to find sooner then later.
    I have a friend who has it, and she is very into it, working on fund raisers and pushing for it to become more recognized. If you don't mind me asking what city/state you're in I can ask her if she would have any suggestions on how you can go about getting that checked out? If you want to that is.

    -hugs- I hope everything turns out for the best for you and I hope to log on one day soon and see your BFP post!
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  • Have seen a dr. My husband has good swimmers and my uterus is healthy
  • :( This makes me sad! Something that so many women take for granted is the same thing many women pray to be able to experience.

    I will definately keep you in my prayers! You'll get your BFP one day! :)
  • Good luck sweetie. When I was ttc with this baby my docs told me it is actually hard to get pregnant n everything. Hard to believe with all the accidents and unwanted pregnancies! Try to keep ur sex fun though if u try to hard it can actually make it harder to get pregnant. Hoping u get a ur bfp soon!
  • @tryinghard19 Good luck sweetie!
    @BabyMcBride8_27 @mandac10 Thank-you ladies!!! Yes I work w/ some ladies who are prego & I heard her talkin & complaining about her pregnancy,I just got up walked away, & cried in the bathroom.
  • My aunt had several miscarriages, some at 6 months. Finally she decided to look into surrogacy, and concieved. Its a nice thing to look into if a friend or family member would be willing, because I know its expensive. Just a thought for the future if nothing changes.....
  • I can't say I've never complained about this pregnancy, because I definately have. It really does get hard at times, but I would never wish it away. I don't know what it's like to be in your shoes, I've never experienced it. But, I do know that everything comes to an end, and nothing lasts forever. You WILL get the baby you want, but you have to go through the rain before you can see the sunshine! Keep your head up! :)
  • @Prayin_4_twins ... I know what you mean. Although our situation is not exactly the same, I am sure a lot of the feelings are similar.

    I can't imagine going through life and not getting to become a father. We are nearly 2 years into trying to adopt and it's so frustrating to see so many people so easily and accidentally get what we so desperately long for.
  • @snreda :) I haven't been able to conceive bc of my uterus, but I got good biopsy results today! Hopefully my body will cooperate. Surrogacy is great if women decide it an option but I can't bear the thought, I want to conceive & carry my own baby.
    @BabyMcBride8_27 I pray each second of every day to become a mommy.
    @MikeandRonAdopt yes its hard & I'm sure the feelings are similar. Its been really hard bc of the pain w/ my female medical issues, but its all worth the pain if I can b a mommy. That's all I want. Good luck to you guys, keep me posted!
  • @LittleFae I have endometerios n have r kids never believve a doctor
  • Girl u been on here as long as me! I'm so sorry you haven't had any luck yet. I wish u all the best. Hope something gives!
  • Sweetheart.. I pray you get your BFP very soon.. if your doctors wont test you for endometriosis find one who will. Or do what my step sister did and refuse to leave until they tested her. You have to tell them that they could be doing all of these meds for nothing. My step mother had it and she concieved my step sister by having a DNC done to clean out the growths. Also most women with condition end up having to have hysterectomys by their early 30s to control the pain. Be forceful with your doctors and demand the test. And good luck sweetie
  • As women,it is easy for us to take for granted when it comes to kids. We never know how hard it truley is until we individually go thru something or know someone that goes thru something. This is my third pregnancy and for whatever reason it took us over a year to conceive. During that year it made me realize just how much of a blessing a baby truley is....so many things have to be in order for it to happen. Your day will come honey, don't give up! Continue to pray and have faith! I will say a prayer for you. God Bless and Good Luck and in the end....it will all be worth it.
  • @ash1la it just breaks my heartu
    @all when I see a parent grab their kid in the store & yell at them or smack them, it breaks my heart to see or hear abouqt the mom that drowned her baby, or threw their baby in a bag & into a pond, or the mom that sat their house on fire & let her 2 children burn.........I just don't understand those who get blessed & then the murder their babies :'( I guess I just don't understand the right place right time bc how did those ladies get blessed to have a baby to just murder them. I know that kids can be lil boogers some times & I'm sure it gets frustrating but to see the same ppl not appreciate the miracle they've been given just makes me more upset that my stupid uterus isn't cooperating. I know ppl say when you stop trying it'll happen, but not w/ me :'( my issues are that my uterus won't cooperate & there for its possible I've been prego several times but my uterus is to thick right now to carry the fertilized egg. My biopsy showed no hyperplasia :') but I'm on day 8 of af :( hopefully I will ovulate naturally &;conceive this month. DEAR GOD PLZ HELP ME TO CONCEIVE A MIRACLE!
  • It makes me so sad seeing your posts. I can't wait till you pist your BFP!!!! I'm praying for you.
  • I actually shed a tear reading through this. I know with my second we were trying for 6 months and that was hell so I have no idea the pain your going through. I'm not a believer in god and all that, but even a hell bent atheist like me has just said a prayer for you. All the best and good luck x x x
  • After 13yrs ttc, I have been in your shoes. I became a very bitter woman. Baby showers for friends and family were torture. But never lose hope. We just had our miracle boy at 31! Sometimes we can't see a plan, but its there. Please try not to be too hard on yourself. Baby dust your way!
  • edited July 2011
    We tried for 6yrs before finding out male infertility. We tried obgyn treatments and had ectopic and miscarriages. We finally gave up so he could do his surgery to help w infertility and that weekend after I ended up in ER w him (he had complications from the surgery where he couldn't pee) and that was when we found out we were pregnant... w twins. We lost one and it just seemed insult to injury. After those 6yrs I never thought it would happen. And now I just can't stop worrying. Like calebsmommie, it was torture. I am the last of my friends and family to have a baby and when she arrive I too will be 31. I remember all the tears like it is still happening. I pray you get you BFP soon and your heart can turn from hurting to happiness. I keep up w your posts too and keep hoping to see some good news. I would go to another Dr to get checked on the endrometriotris bc a Dr that has not heard of that worries me.
  • I pray this is your month!!
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