Does it make me a bad mom if...

edited June 2011 in Parenting
I give up breastfeeding....its sooo pain full and I feel like thats all I do is sit with him attatched to my boob.i love my son and want the best for him bit I also have a 5 yr old that needs some attention too. Please dont be negative or judgemental I feel bad enough already


  • I'm scared of the same exact thing!!
  • edited June 2011
    It's always a personal decision! But I can yell you as far as the pain goes try using a breast shield! It take the pain away completely! The sell them at Target or anywhere you can buy breast pumps! With my son I started having production issues at 3 month & he started getting both breast & bottle. That's always an option too!

    My son is a year old & I'm pregnant with my 2nd now. I am also worried about the attention issue I am going to face!

    Also they say breast feeding for a year is vest but any amount of time is good so don't get down on yourself!
  • it most definitely does not make you a bad mom at least you tried it!
  • No I don't think ur a bad mother at all an kudos to u for evn trying I have 2 kids an never evn tried it.
  • @luvmyson you're not a bad mom sweetie! breastfeeding isn't for everyone. my mom couldn't breast feed either my brother, or me.
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  • If it made you a bad parent then consider me the devil lol! I tried with both my kids, but to no avail.
  • Wow thanks ladies....he's almost two weeks but the pain just won't stop and he won't eat with a sheild on so that sux for me....its just a never ending pain but I was hoping the pain would ease soon but I still feel like all I do is nurse and I know that's normal but its getting to b too much
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