Rhogam shot....anyone familer with this?
My dr told me I have rh negative blood and I have to get this rhogam shot. I dont know much about it but I know there can be risks to the baby if I dont get it but I also read there can be risks from getting it. Anyone familer with this?
Your body treats the baby's positive rh antibodies as foriegn and will try to attack them without the shot. However, your current pregnancy should be safe. It is future pregnancys that are at risk as your body has to be exposed the baby's blood and then form the antibodies before it can cause damage. If you were to not get the shot and your body forms the antibodies, any future pregnancys will be very high risk as your body will attack babies blood, possibly making baby very anemic.
I have not heard of any risks associated with it so I can't help on that part. Good luck!