In 30days, I will be holding my little Ysabelle! I'm scared to have my 1st csec, but really getting excited to finally have this baby! Anyone else getting close?


  • Yes I have a c-section scheduled for Tuesday! Im terrified but very excited to meet my little girl :)
  • Awwww @rockinmomma that's so soon! Are u all ready and what not? Is this your 1st baby / csec? This is my 3 rd baby, 1st csec.
  • Im as ready as I think I can be lol. Yes first baby, first c-section. I only learned of the c-section part on Thursday so I'm not used to or happy about the idea. C-section was one of my biggest fears and now its reality, I'm just nervous about recovery because I really don't have much help.
  • 28 days!!!!! I'm soooo excited!!! I don't have anything ready yet though...I mean I have some of the stuff for the nursery but we are moving to our new apt next week...and still one week left at work....so I'm a little worried...
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