anyone from uk?



  • I'm 7 wks 1 day and this is baby number 2. My EDD has gone from 21st Sept, to 29th Sept now to 6th Oct.. Getting very frustrated, feels like I was on 6 weeks for ages! REALLY nervous with this one tho :-\

  • I'm 10 weeks with my first :D and wrapped from southhampton n living in Australia away from everyone :(
    Good luck everyone
  • @cheryl74 im from uk manchester this is my 3rd and it will be 8 yrs wen the bbys here.
  • @keylo050 it feels weird and although I still feel like I'm 17 I know I'm now gonna become an old mum lol. I've got 2 girls, what about you? X
  • I'm from UK east yorks 9 weeks tomorrow first scan 15th march can't wait :D
  • @cheryl74 i got 2 boys so i wanna girl and i take it u want a boy,how old are ur girls ? My boys are 9 and 7 n a half. And im 28, it feels weord havin an age gap as my boys were close together. How you feelin hun xxx
  • @keylo050 I would love a boy but o think it will be another girl. Mine are 14 and 10 and I'm 36. I'm actually feeling ok. A little tired in the eve but that's it. I'm 7 weeks by lmp. How you feeling? X
  • Find out the sex on march 8th (my birthday), can't wait. Heard heartbeat for first time last week, was so amazing.17w 2d now. An flying to south Africa for 2 weeks in April, bit nervous about baby and flight?! Xx
    Ps: I am from Southampton
  • @Cheryl74 im feelin fine hun !! They add seven days on to ur lmp put ir last period in on a bby site and it will tell u exactly how far u are ,the sights already add the week on even though u put ur last period in. Im 9 week and 2 days hun n feelin sickly all day. Bet u cant wait... Fingers crossed forme as i mc in november although i feel good abput this bby.
  • @keylo050 good luck sweet, I hope all goes well. Yippee, I can't wait x x
  • Im from skipton north yorkshire and im 39 weeks now with my 1st im having a little boy calling him taylor william radford getting soo scared but soo excited at the same time :-)
  • Im 29w5d:-) frm west mids west bromwich:-)
  • @Cheryl74 im feelin fine hun !! They add seven days on to ur lmp put ir last period in on a bby site and it will tell u exactly how far u are ,the sights already add the week on even though u put ur last period in. Im 9 week and 2 days hun n feelin sickly all day. Bet u cant wait... Fingers crossed forme as i mc in november although i feel good abput this bby.
  • @keylo050 cheers for that hun. That puts me at 7 weeks and 1 day. I just want the first 3 months to go. Every little pain has me worrying x I hope all goes well for you x x
  • Hi I am from west London and I am 11 weeks today with my first! Worrying about everything hope all is ok inside
  • @joshir where abouts in west London are you x
  • Hi I am from Essex (no jokes please lol) I am 10 weeks 4 days. This is my second pregnancy but first in 2006 ended in mc. We were told last year we couldn't have a baby after years of trying but here we are! Apparently a very happy Christmas for us! I am having horrific nightmares about losing our baby. I suffered post traumatic stress disorder following mc before and was critically ill with it so think may be linked to that. Has anyone had same and got any advice on keeping calm and getting some sleep? X
  • Also have you noticed that other countries seem to get scans lot earlier than us on UK? Anyone else had scan before 12 weeks? The wait seems to on forever! X
  • Im from uk, london, this my first and in first T . :-) about 4 weeks.
  • UK here too :) 10 weeks with 3rd baby... have 2 girls aged 7 and 5 :)
  • Padda28 I'm so sorry to hear that! I can understand y u are feeling as u r! Although I have never experienced and hope I don't experience what u have been through! Please remember the more stress ur feeling the worse it is for baby so try and enjoy it! How far gone were u before? I no 12 weeks is a long time! I had on at 7weeks as I was bleeding but saw the heartbeat and everything is fine fingers crossed x
  • That's so nice thanks. I was around 10 weeks so think why I'm getting more anxious as 10 weeks 5 days now. I just can't wait to hear their little heartbeat and see them. Got scan 3rd march so hope this week goes quick! Sorry to hear about your scare glad you ok x
  • Padda28 did u feel unwell before? Cos they usually say u tend to feel unwell before u miscarry! Not long to go now then! Are u going to find out the sex? Where r u from? X
  • You only get early scans if you bleed. I miscarried last pregnancy and was given two early scans . The baby just looks like a broad bean at 7 weeks, so it's worth the wait. I imagine in the states their medical insurance pays for it rather than the state.
  • Normally u get early scan when u have previous problems or early bleeding I have a scan every week as I lost my son 2 month ago at 22 weeks due to renal agenesis I am 5 weeks today and so scared x
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