L& D drama...anyone else in fear of this?*updated :(



  • Thats the scene i fear! My hubby will at least kick em out...hes the blunt honesty type. But ya they check ur pad ur tummy ask if you have pooped so embarassing! Id rather get rest n recover. U shoulda told nurses no visitors yet.especially with csection! Man i feel bad for you! @kayleigh27
  • sounds like me. I for some reason get very anxious when people are around. after i have the baby i become very possessive and don't want a million and one people holding my kids. this is number three, and with the others hubby and i were there and it was so peaceful. with my first my mom was pretty much there for almost everything. i refuse to allow her to be in the room when i was getting checked and pushing, etc. with our second she was watching our 15 month old so i was relieved. i had serious health issues between that baby and this one so my hubby thought maybe i would want her there with me- hell no! so itll just be us two this time again. and i am so happy about it!
    i would say that you just want hubby there since it's his first and there will be enough chaos to start with. then let your nurses know in private that you want NO ONE there unless approved by you.
    i'm all about the peacefulness and connection between baby and i and hubby; i don't want 500 people asking to come see us, not even for the first couple weeks after i have her. it'll be all about sleep and now that i have two school attendees i will be jumping between a 5 yr old kindergartener, 6 year old first- grader, and a newborn.
  • I'm not going to tell anyone except my mom when I go to the hospital and whoever I get to watch my son. Hopefully I can leave the toddler with my dad and mom can drive me if my husband isn't around.
    I dont want anyone coming to the hospital. that's time for our children to meet. We will have a bbq as a sort of welcome baby party after I'm released. Sept in KS so the weather should still be warm enough for it
  • @mama_busy_bee yep. So next time I have a baby i'm for sure going to put my foot down and be like NO VISTORS UNTIL WE'RE HOME AND SITUATED!!!
  • Well still waiting to get called into L&D & shit already hit the fan. Should be asleep as ill prob go tonight...but im in a text war with my sis. Shes uber offended i want no one in delivery...cused me out told me im weird n planned this behind her back. Pissed at my hubby blaming him. Im like wow way to be supportive. She cant miss work and is mad anyway. I told her its my choice n she is making tjings hard now i cant rest she has me so upset. She already said shed babysit after but doubt it now.
  • I say turn your phone off and everyone will forget about it all when your little one arrives and if they don't then they can be mad but no need to stress yourself out and slow the labor down. Sorry everyone is such a holes about it this is a special moment for your family. I told my boyfriend I want it just him and I. We want it to be special and we want to be alone so its our new family coming together with no one else. He agreed so everyone that thinks they will be there is in for a rude awakening lol.
  • Ya my man too. She acts like its about her. I told her its not. Evrb if he only didnt want her there well its his baby! She isnt a mother n bitter. She has a fantasy of how it is. Shes a spazz n would be bored. I only told her cuz my boss spilled the beans (she house sits) cuz he didnt know i hadnt told her. Also my other sitter fell thru...so she said ok. Then asked when id deliver as if i have a crystal ball.
  • You need to be comfortable with the idea if anything goes off birthplan, your in the room with people who will potentionally be seeing you on all fours, butt in air possibly pooping! ..happened to me :/
    Dad was a trooper, but I am still mortified! It was only us and nurse and midwife.
  • After I had my son there were so many people there passing him around. I was so stressed, I just started bawling. So my mom kicked everyone out n let me n my husband have our time. We moved 12 hrs away so I won't have that problem this time. Thank God!
  • it is more of an experience for you and bd! and you two should be the ones spending the first few mins/hours of babies life with baby! not everyone else. everyone is excited and its exciting to see everyone so anxious but it becomes overwhelming when everyone is there. with my son, everyone rushed in and was passing him around i only held him for maybe a min and a half until he was ripped out of my arms by family members!!! and then they just wouldnt leave!!! so i got no sleep! stick to the visiting hours so you get your rest too. they can always see you and baby when you are comfortable at home.

    (just my advice, i dont want to step on any toes its just from my experience it will only be me and bd in the room. and family can come during visiting hours so i can recover a little)
  • I'm so glad my inlaws live in ID and were in socal though my sil is in la she's coming down to hhelp with my older kids if they decide they don't want to be in the delivery room or something is wrong my bil is in san fran and is coming down to see baby after she's born but I like them so its ok. I'm very close to my aunt and since my mom most likely can't be here she's going to be with my as well. This is #3 for me and after #2 was born it was me and hubby for th birth then he had to go take care of our son I was alone shared a room and could hear the visitors for the other gal ended up sad that no one came to see me after I rested I felt kinda lonely.
  • I agree with the other ladies, dont worry anymore about it, when you get to the hospital simply tell the nurses anyone other thn my. husband comes to tell them they will not be aloud in.
  • So how did the l&d drama go?
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