I feel so behind



  • I was 27 with my first, im now 33 having my 3rd and last. I think its a great age. Bad as I wanted kids at 20 im glad I had my youth, and got through my mistakes, like lame bf and a horrible ex, befor I started having kids. Just kept things a lot simpler. I became the mom to two step sons who i love, so its great. Im excited to have my family in the prime of my life :)
  • My EDD is Oct 14th. This is my first & I'll be 37 in Sept. I wasn't ready in my 20's or early 30's.
  • I'm about to be 31 and have never been preggo. Don't feel alone! I promised myself long ago I wouldnt have any until my life was stable enough to provide my children with anything. Now that I'm ready its proving difficult though!
  • Hello, Im from TX. My husband and I are both 26, this is our first. Our baby boy will be here in May!! All my friends except one have kids, so definitely know how you feel. We are HS sweethearts, we've been together for over 8 yrs and will be married for 2 yrs in May. We were in no rush to have kids! We focused on us, I graduated from college and he has his real estate license...
    It happens on His timing! God Bless you all!
  • I felt behind too. All my friends have kids already..I'm 25 and preggo with my first. Now that I think about it, were lucky! We got to live our "bar years" already..we got to get that out of our system before becoming parents! I have no desire to go out every weekend now. I'm grateful :)
  • I am also 26, and my husband is 30, and this is our first. :) I'll be 27, and he'll be 31 by the time the kiddo arrives, so you're not alone. :) We'll also be the last of his friends to have kids...but we were the first to marry. ;)
  • I am 26 as well. Always thought I would be married at 18 and kids at 19. Lol. Didn't get married til I was 24 and now first kid at 26. But looking back now, I wasn't responsible enough back then. So I'm glad my plans didn't work out.:-)
  • I'm 30 when I will have my first. Glad though was able to really enjoy my 20's and start a new chapter in parenthood when I was ready for it.
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