Using a breastpump as nipple stimulation??**update**
Wasn't sure what category to go with, so I did Labor lol....We all keep trying teas and castor oil, sex...etc....They say nipple stimulation brings on contractions. I tried but not much happened. I finally put my Avent pump together last night, did the sterilization all that and learned how to actually use it. I tried it too...that thing really pumps!
Anyone ever used a pump to try to bring on labor? I wonder if it would work no one ever talks about it on here.
Anyone ever used a pump to try to bring on labor? I wonder if it would work no one ever talks about it on here.
It sucks though because I cannot orgasm during sex unless they are played with, but the contractions are too uncomfortable to continue with sex if they are
How much were your pumps? Electric or manuel? Single or double?
I'm interested in a pump but want the right one that's not too expensive. If I do purchase one....might just try the stimulation thing. Update if it works! Also since you pumped & colustrum came out. What do you do with that? Save & freeze? Or toss?.....sorry I get so curious bout things I don't know. Thanks!!
and if you're not using a pump, how do you do it?
@bentleysmommy, they say not to do it more than once every three hours for 15 mins each. when you stimulate your nipples it causes your uterus to contract thats why most women that breastfeed get rid of their baby pudge faster. and if youre not using a bp than just play with your nipples for 15 mins or have your bd play or suck on them for 15 mins every three hours. when i messed around with my bp just to see how it works which let me tell you was hilarious! i went into labor the next day
I tried again this morning....but one nipple really hurt alot from last night. I only did it a minute this time too and got cramping, but had to go to my doc appt... I know colostrum is thicker than milk so it can make you sore doing this. I don't want to go into breastfeeding already sore from the I am giving up, especially since I am now being induced Monday the 11th.
@Ashes you probably don't need the pump!
@one5one I just rinsed it out, it wasnt enough to go in the bottle just alot more than i expected thats for sure...
Of aunt called & said she bought a pump from a thrift store for $6.00. Playtex brand. She said its "new" but I wanted to pick my own
@one5one what kind of pump is it manuel or electric?
@homebirthadvocate I was watching one of those baby birth shows and a dr said that they don't recomend nipple stimulation because for the stimulation to actually work you'd hav to be doing it contantly all day, so is that wrong?
I felt the same way, I was like, I hope I really use this thing, this is a lot of money!!
@ashleyfew really? It blew! A shame! Aunt got the one for $6.00 & expects me to pay her! Its only $6 I know but I'm not gonna pay her for something I don't want or can't use! Why did you cry with your.purchase? The price? I know they can get expensive. But at my next appt ima ask my dr/midwife about a pump & if my insurance can pay for it.