Spinal Block vs Epidural?

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I found out earlier this week I'll more then likely have a c-section. I'm perfectly ok w/ it. The problem I have is the epidural. I had a horrible experience w/ it when I had my daughter 5 years ago that's left me with major back problems. I got another epidural w/ my son 16m ago & everything went fine. I'm terrified now because I was gonna try to go natural or just use IV meds. I would like to know from other moms what they preferred Epidural or Spinal Block? Does one hurt more then the other?


  • I have had both and also put to sleep during my c-section. With my first epidural....it was great no problems, 2nd one put to sleep due to infection and fever, 3rd had a spinal...didn't really notice a difference except i got a spinal headache because it caused my spinal fluid to leak. To fix this they had to go back in w another needle and do a spinal tap(i think that's what it was called). It was 7years ago and the headache was the worst i have ever had and i am prone to migraines. But the chances of that happening are or were like 1 in a 1000. Im just special;-)
  • I had both I prefer spinal less pain for me n less side effects
  • @mommyo3soon2b4 What was your recovery like being put to sleep? I've been considering it just to avoid having to choose between the epidural & spinal.

    @azmom What were your side effects w/ the spinal & how long did you have to recover til you could see your baby?
  • I hated being put to sleep because i didn't get to see my baby right after birth...the recovery time with all 3 of my c-sections was about the same. I was up walking around within a couple of hours and didn't experience a lot of pain at home. I don't remember how long the wake up time was though....that one was almost 10 year ago. When my hubby gets home I will ask him.
  • But with the epi and spinal i saw babies right after they were born. Both my first 2 had to go to nicu so that was different. My son which i had the spinal with...i was back in a room nursing him within 30min of his birth.
  • @mommy03soon2b4 Thanks for the info. I'm having such a hard time deciding what to do.
  • Well...i would tell you that if it was me and with this baby....i will not ever be put to sleep again during delivery unless it was medically necessary. I missed everything of my 2nd daughters birth. I will be getting a spinal or epidural. Good luck with your decision.
  • I got a c-section on Tuesday and had a spinal, I loved it! Lol. No pain the only issue was after I got really, really itchy!
  • @rockinmomma I think I'm leaning toward a spinal. Although being itchy doesn't sound fun at all. How long did that last? Maybe I should pack extra Benedryl lol
  • They will give you medicine to stop the itching through your iv but it lasted about 16hrs.
  • @rockinmomma Damn! That's a long time. I think I'll google spinals & get more info. Thanks again.
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