help please
Hope somebody is awake. I've hardly problems with swelling for weeks now and have had a bunch of test done and everything wash normal. When to doctor on wed and he said just +1 edema whatever that means. Well tonight its up to my thighs and hurts pretty bad. I'm 37+ weeks if i went to l&d could they help me? My doctor idea on vaca all next week.
Also make sure you're drinking a lot of water... more water pushes fluids through your system helping to bring swelling down. When you are dehydrated your body retains fluids it might need. You'll need a very small amount of electrolytes too so like one part OJ or Gatorade or one banana to at least four parts water. I would try everything before going to hospital but I'm one of those types
wish as long as you were term you could say pitocin please and they would listen to you.