Due date buddy

Jan 8 th anyone?


  • Jan 9th! How are you feeling? I'm so happy to be in my 2nd trimester, how about you?
  • edited July 2011
    Mine is the 15th but my birthday is the 8th go jan babys we rule lol :)
  • Nice!(: I'm feeling alright, how about you?? And yeah I'm really excited! Ha I'm only getting one ultrasound at the end of august around 20 weeks.
    How are you ladies feeling? (:
  • I am good gonna tell my job wednesday that i am prego not that they cant tell lol. I am excited to always wanted a winter baby. I am getting a ultra sound at 20 weeks too. Other then all that been feeling ok tired still and serious headackes, o an i am alost never really hungry but my doctor said dont force myself to eat he will watch my weight. How about u? How r u today? @MyLittleBlessing and @audra
  • @mommyof2angels yeah I'm tired a lot too, staying up tile 2am and waking up at 6am probably doesn't help haha. I'm also really irritable :/ everything anyone does pisses me off today. I think its mostly cause I'm pissed at my mom though lol but anywho, I'm not that hungry either off and on. One week ill lose a pound or two, then ill be hungry and gain half a pound. It keeps yo yoing. But since I'm 'over weight' my midwife doesn't mind.
  • @MyLittleBlessing exact opposite all i do is sleep 24/7 an work. Yea i am extreamly irritable as well i about snaped cause someone asked me one to many question(2questions lol) idk my doc gonna watch aint lose any but not gaining any either.
  • Hey girls, I've been feeling so much better in the 2nd trimester! I have an appt on the 22nd to find out the gender I'm super excited! You guys should get a home fetal doppler, its amazing! I listen to my baby's heartbeat every night! Are you girls gonna find out what you are having? @mommaof2angels @mylittleblessing
  • @mommyof2angels lol I know what you mean! And I don't think that's too bad. As long as you're not losing tooo much wieght or gaining a little lol

    @audra that's exciting! :D I won't find out til 20 weeks or later. (I'm 15.1weeks now) lol I'm feeling better more stressed now than usual. Blah lol
  • @audra same as mylittleblessing wont find out until 20 weeks or later which wont be until the end of aug :( i am only 14 weeks and 5 days.

    @MyLittleBlessing yea my fam got off my case about me eating once i told them what my doc said

    Have either of u ladies felt the baby move yet? :( i havnt
  • @mommyof2angels @MyLittleBlessing I'm not sure if I've felt the baby move, sometimes I think was that it but my mind might be playing tricks on me. I can't wait to feel lots of movement! I';m going to this place called baby sightings where I live and they pretty much specialize in 3d/4d ultrsounds. I'm paying $100 to find out early what I'm having because I just can't wait. My mom is like are you sure you just dont want to wait a few more weeks so you don't have to pay. BUt it's so worth it to me, but my luck the baby will have it's legs crossed, haha! @MyLittleBlessing I hope you aren't too stressed:( It's not good for baby. Take care girlies, I'm glad I found some buddies to talk to:)
  • @mommyof2angels that's good! And yeah I've felt it move. @aurda It feels like if you've ever held a cricket in your hand and let it jump and move around..that's kind of what it feels like haha(: I'm not too stressed anymore. My fiance finally found a well paying job, and I'm super happy for our soon to be family! (: also I stayed at a friends for a few days cause my mom and I were fighting lol so its better(:

    I was thinking about going to a local pregnancy place and saying idk if I'm pregnant so I can get an ultrasound..haha I've only had one that was done in the ER. That was at about 10 weeks. So I'm anxious to see it again!!
  • @audra @MyLittleBlessing yea felt something today i think. My doc do 3d for free but not until 20 weeks. It do feel real nice to have other mommy to be to talk to. So obviously my name says this aint my 1st but is it yours? Gonna call the center near me an c if they can do a ultra sound. Sooooo ready to buy baby stuff even though aint no winter baby clothes on sale right now. Trying to get out of taking 6 week leave i am a supervisor an they wont make it without me lol. So how r u ladies feeling today???
  • @mommyof2angels that's good! Idk if I even get a 3d u.s. lol and yes, this is my first. (:
  • @mommyof2angels I've had 2 miscarriages but this is the furthest along I've ever made it so I'm praying that everything goes well this time I will be a first time mom.
  • Im due january 10!
  • @audra I'm praying that things go perfect for you!

    @mollysmama that's awesome!(: how are you feeling?
  • @MyLittleBlessing im starting to feel alot better I have cysts and a tumor that causes pain sometimes but other than that pretty good. Except for the lack of sleep with school, work, and a 17 mth old lol
  • @mollysmama well I'm glad you're doing okay, dispite the struggles!
  • @MyLittleBlessing went to th dr friday and the cysts and tumor are gone! Yay!
  • @mollysmama that's great news!! (:
  • @MyLittleBlessing I know! Im relieved! When do you find out if ur having a boy or girl?
  • @mollysmama I bet! And I find out on Friday, what about you?
  • @MyLittleBlessing I found out monday! She said she was almost positive its a boy! Are you wanting a boy or girl?
  • @mollysmama oh nice! (: is that what you were hoping for? Umm I'm not too picky ha. Bd wants a girl though.
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