holy schnike.

edited July 2011 in Sleep
Holy schnike...sleep. Or lack thereof haha. Heartburn is cruel. It doesn't care if you sleep a wink your whole pregnancy. It doesn't care if it wakes you up at 3am and makes you throw up stomach acid. It doesn't care if you have to sleep sitting up from now until eternity. It does NOT care if it sets your chest and throat on fire with every breath, no it does not.

Damn you, Heartburn.


*Gonna drink some chamomile tea and pray for a few hours sleep.

[-O< -> I-)


  • Heartburn is horrid! Hope yours eases up very soon for you!
  • @mommyoffive & @1stwoodsbaby: thank you very much ladies. Only 5 days to go, let's hope heartburn exits my body with the baby :)
  • Heyyy I'm up too cuz of heartburn.
  • I'll keep my fingers crossed for you that it leaves when your little one gets here!
  • @dueinaugust11: its terrible isn't it? I haven't slept more than 30 consecutive minutes in months :(
  • Heartburn is EVIL! good luck. Hope your get some sleep
  • Yes Heartburn is hell! I keep a bottle of Tums in my purse just for that reason. Ugh! I get heartburn even when I haven't eaten anything, lol. It sucks! ~X(
  • @stillsurprised: thanks :)

    @beautifulone: well see I ran outta tums. And its wayyy too late/early to hit up a store and buy some. And I'm thoroughly convinced breathing air gives me heartburn. Agggh (:|
  • Lmao! Walmart is open 24hrs!!!! I understand though because there is no way I'd get out of my bed for some Tums either. That mess would just have to wait until daylight hours. Water does not help either, lol.
  • @beautifulone: my fiance just left to go get me some tums and tylenol pm. He woke up to me sitting there crying my eyes out cause all I wanna do is sleep but when I try I have to pop right back up and throw up some stomach acid thanks to good ol' heartburn. He feels so bad for me...poor thing. Hopefully all this mess works and I get some darn sleep! Lol :)
  • Awww no! I'm sorry, that's terrible heartburn! I'm glad you have a good hubby though. :)
  • Heartburn really sux! Seems to get worse with each of my pregnancies. I developed reflux with my daughter who is 3.5 and has never gone away. I am on zantac during this pregnancy and have already gone through a bottle of 200 tums and I am only 26 weeks. I am now on my second botttle! Heartburn is evil!
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