How's The Last Trimester Treating Everyone?

edited July 2011 in Third Trimester
I have a son, who will be 10 months this month and I'm also 32 weeks pregnant. I'm extremely tired, exhausted and having a hard time keeping up with my crawler, whose getting himself into everything. I barely have enough energy to maintain our household. At the end of each day I feel like I worked a 12 hour shift, wearing a backpack full of school books.

How would you ladies describe your last trimester?


  • One question: What is sleep? lol. I havent slept a full nite since 36 wks
  • Exhausted!!!! Swollen!!!! To long lol oh and very hormonal X(
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  • Tired but otherwise good. Except my mood has gotten worse I'm beyotch mode & I'm the only one cleaning,worrying. Bd plays games after work. Ugh...
  • I'm not even that far into my third trimester. I'm only 29 weeks but I am exhausted all the time! Other than that I'm good. So excited to meet my little guy!
  • Tired...actually feeling pregnant!
  • edited July 2011
    I'm always either sleeping, eating, or HOT during the day ..&nd getting comfortable at night is super hard now; Takes me about a hour & a half to fall asleep. August needs to get here quick! lOl
  • I am SOOOOO tired. I am almost 32w and just within the last few days my little guy has decided that he needs to be up all night! I have also been having hrrible back pain and hip pain. Only 8 more weeks!
  • Ive just started my third trimester but im feeling like poo! I was sick all day yesterday with nausea & heartburn and today ive been stuck in bed with really bad back pains. 11 weeks to go! Im hoping it flys by like the first 11 weeks did.
  • its going good baby has been active which i love, im just worried cuz i have the damn gd but everything is going great :)
  • I'm exactly 37 weeks today and I'm over it, I just want her to come out already! I'm so tired all the time and can never get in a comfortable position to sleep. I feel bad for my boyfriend cause he wants sex but I'm never in the mood. I'm almost there though so I just can't wait!
  • It's been so so got the devil's heartburn if I'm up too long I get swollen everything cnt eat nothing pisses me off I go buy a meal n I'm full before I even open the meal at 36w 5d I jus want her n my arms n not my belly
  • O sleep also sucks big time I gotta wake up get on my knees jus to turn over n if I dnt or lay too long it feel like I broke my hip please someone help me
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one getting the worst out of these last days. I'm huge, swollen and I live in Arizona where the highs have hit 115 degrees so far, monsoon season is also here that means I'm feeling the humidity also.

    I have been experiencing back pain, though it's a lot lower than usual. Kinda feels like my tail bone. Has anyone ever heard of tail bone pain during pregnancy?! It sounds unusual, but it's very painful.
  • Im past my 40 week point! Im swollen, miserable, tired, and hot!!!! Oh my gosh Arizona!!! Id in nc and this is too much for me.
  • I'm 37 wks 1day and I'm in pain 24/7. I feel disgusting. I think I'm having prepartum depression. I'm super moody and all I want to do is cry. And I just wanna see my baby and for all of this to be over :'(
  • I would have rather puked my face out for the first 5 months than be in the pain I'm in.
  • edited July 2011
    I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and ill tell ya its not so good. I am always uncomfortable and sweaty! I can't sleep and I feel like a beached whale!
  • Crap. I'm 22+6 and this thread has officially scared the hell out of me. :-S
  • I'm with the rest of you ladies. I can't wait to be done I'm just about 36 weeks and feel like I'm gonna explode. I can't get comfortable to save my life I spend 3/4 of my time on the pot which half the time its just a couple of drops but it feels like you have to go so bad it hurts. And the pelvic pain is over the top

    Are we there yet?
  • edited July 2011
    I'm swollen and tired as ever and I've been feeling pressure down there which is making my hips hurt...ugh! I got in the tub the other night and I couldn't get out. I was literally stuck and I was home alone. It took me over an hour to get myself up :-((
  • @tootie08 when are you due? I just want my body back now :-)
  • @lyndsay1983 September about u?
  • Exhausted! Pain! Swollen! Sleepy 24/7.. out of breath all the time. I'm 33w 4days
  • @tootie08 Sept 14th and sooo ready for it :-)
  • Im 37 weeks tomorrow and im so tired and irritable these days! Cant wait till its over because iv really had enough of this now and dont even get me started on the hip and back pain and feeling hot and heartburn etc etc
  • 38Weeks 3Days and I am huge and miserable... also chasing my 19 month old around the house isn't helping! I have an appointment tomorrow to do an external version and be induced though if baby hasn't turned.
  • Tired......and sore but over all pretty good im 32w & 5d
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